
Target a campaign on the placement by time.

Request format
  ? object=campaign
  & action=targetPlace
  & actionObject=targetingTime
  & objectID=<integer>
  & placeID=<integer>
  & isRedefined=<integer>
  & [impressionsPerN=<integer>]
  & [impressionsPerNPerHour=<integer>]
  & [isClientTime=<integer>]
  & [mode=<integer>]
  & [hourNdayM=<integer>]
  & [dayN=<integer>]


ID of the object that the action is performed on.


Placement ID.


Redefine targeting.

Acceptable values:

  • 0: Inherit targeting settings from a higher level. Level hierarchy from top to bottom:

    • Campaign.
    • Campaign on the site.
    • Campaign in the site section.
    • Campaign on the placement.
    • Banner.
  • 1: Cancel targeting settings at higher levels and use the settings of the current level.


The total number of impressions per day, where N is the number of the day:

  • 1: Monday.
  • 2: Tuesday.
  • 3: Wednesday.
  • 4: Thursday.
  • 5: Friday.
  • 6: Saturday.
  • 7: Sunday.

The parameter value is the number of impressions from 1 to 2,147,483,647.

For example, 10 impressions on Tuesday: impressionsPer2=10.


The total number of impressions per hour, where N is the number of the day:

  • 1: Monday.
  • 2: Tuesday.
  • 3: Wednesday.
  • 4: Thursday.
  • 5: Friday.
  • 6: Saturday.
  • 7: Sunday.

The parameter value is the number of impressions from 1 to 2,147,483,647.

For example, 10 impressions per hour on Tuesdays: impressionsPer2PerHour=10.


Use the website user's time. Targeting is applied by the user's time zone. All statistics are displayed using the GMT+3:00 time zone.

Acceptable values:

  • 0: Use GMT+3:00.
  • 1: Use the website visitor's time.


Targeting options: by day of the week or by day of the month.

Acceptable values:

  • 0: by day of the week.
  • 1: by day of the month.

Default value: 0.


Enable targeting by day of the week or by hour, where:

  • N: An hour from 0 to 23. For example: 0 — from 00:00 to 00:59, 1 — from 01:00 to 01:59.
  • M: A day of the week from 1 to 7. For example: 1 — Monday, 2 — Tuesday, 3 — Wednesday.

Acceptable values:

  • 0: Disable.
  • 1: Enable.


Enable targeting by day of the month, where N is the number of the day of the month, for example: 1 is the first day of the month, 2 is the second day of the month.

Acceptable values:

  • 0: Disable.
  • 1: Enable.

* Required

Response format


Response parameters


Request processing status. For the key, see Error handling.

Sample request and response




Other actions with the object

See more actions with the campaign object: