Information about the request limit

The request lets you get information about requests made to the API of Yandex services. The response body contains data about the requests sent and the number of requests that the user is permitted to send per day.

Request format

To view the parameters for the limit of requests sent to the service API, use an HTTP request with the GET method:

GET /projects/<project_id>/services/<service_id>/limits
X-Auth-Key: <your API key>


Project ID.


Service ID.

Request headers


The URL of the node providing the API.


Authorization key.

Response format

If the request has been completed successfully, the API returns a response with the code 200. The response body contains an object in JSON format:

    "limits": {
        "pogoda_hits_daily": {
            "limit": 5000,
            "reset_date": "2019-02-06T21:00:00",
            "value": 0

Response properties




An object with information about the limit.

The properties of the limits object


An object with the limit parameters.

The properties of the pogoda_hits_daily object


Allowed number of requests.

If the service has no request limit, the parameter takes the -1 value.


Date and time when the limit expired. The count of the number of requests is reset on the specified date.

Data in the format:



The number of requests sent.

If the request has failed, the response message contains information about errors:

HTTP error code

Error description

400 Bad Request

One of the request parameters has an invalid value or data format.

403 Forbidden

The user or app does not have rights to access the resource; the request is rejected.

404 Not Found

The requested resource is not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal service error. Try resending your request later.

503 Service Unavailable

The API service is temporarily unavailable.