About properties

Properties are the Device object properties that describe capabilities. Using properties, you can report data from device properties. Properties are usually used to monitor the environment. A device may not have any properties.

Yandex Smart Home doesn't limit the providers in their choice of device properties, so users may have devices with a non-standard device_type:property pair (for example, a TV can have the “humidity” property).

The smart home platform has a specific list of supported properties. If the provider's response to the request of Information about user devices contains properties that are unknown, have an invalid format, or have invalid values, the device will be rejected and the user will not be able to control it.


To check the validity of parameters and view validation errors, use the Testing section in the developer console.

Depending on the operation performed, different sets of fields are passed in the Property object:

  1. The device property description is used in the Information about user devices operation:

        "type": {string},
        "retrievable": {boolean},
        "reportable": {boolean},
        "parameters": {PropertyParametersObject}
  2. The status of the device property is used in the Information about the states of user devices operation:

        "type": {string},
        "state": {
            "instance": {string},
            "value": {InstanceValue}

Property types

Property type



Displaying device property values in numeric format.


Display of readings of device properties (properties can have one of the specified states).