Testing a skill

Request log

Before you submit your skill for moderation, test it and make sure that the linked accounts work correctly. Open developer console, go to the skill page and open the section Тестирование (Testing). Before testing, fill out the required fields on the Настройки (Settings) tab.

In the Умный дом (Smart home) section, you can see the Home with Alice app UI. Test your skill directly on devices:

  1. Connect the devices, enter their names, and change their states.
  2. Simulate user actions.

In the Лог запросов (Request log) section, you'll see how the skill processes user actions in the  Home with Alice app. Logs show requests sent by Yandex Dialogs to the Skill handler URL and responses received from it. Logs will also show messages about Yandex Dialogs events.

Logs are shown when:

  • You update the device list.
  • You'll receive information about the device status on the Все (All) tab.
  • The state of devices changes. For example, a light bulb turns on. To go to the list of devices, at the top of the Умный дом (Smart home) section, click Все (All).
  • Run the smart home scenario (on the Сценарии (Scenarios) tab).

Logs will only be displayed after you update the device list. To do this, under Умный дом (Smart home), click plusCreated with Sketch. → Устройство умного дома (Smart home device) and then Обновить (Update) next to the manufacturer's name. For devices to appear in the list, connect them on the manufacturer side to the account that you linked. You can usually do this through the manufacturer's mobile app.

Check all the devices that should support the skill. Specify the list of supported devices in the skill description in the section Настройки → Публикация в каталоге (Settings → Publication in the store).

Check the operation of both devices and groups. Sometimes, when you turn on a group of multiple light bulbs, only one of them actually turns on. The common reason is that the skill receives commands simultaneously and processes them incorrectly. If you don't have devices of the same type at hand, combine the existing devices in scenarios.

Check everything that Yandex Dialogs moderators will test:

  • Whether linking accounts and updating the device list works.
  • Whether capabilities of supported devices work.
  • Whether there are errors in the device card, even if the device is offline.
  • Whether scripts run correctly with one or more skill devices.

If you add new supported devices after publishing the skill, you need to repeat testing over a video call and moderation.

Testing voice control of the skill

Some features of Yandex Smart Home, such as the notification service and voice control, are available only after you publish the skill. To test them before moderation, use the private access mode.

In the developer console, you can test the skill in the Home with Alice app interface (with buttons only).

  1. Switch the skill to private mode. A private skill is only available to its developer.
  2. Open the device or app with Alice and log in (use the account that created the skill).
  3. Test the voice control. For more information, see How to use Alice to control your device.

Be sure to change the access type back to public before you send your skill for moderation.

Frequently asked questions

Why do I get the error "Couldn't update the device list"?

The reason is that SSL certificates are installed incorrectly. Check their status using the SSL Labs online service.

For the skill to run correctly, set up the SSL certificate chain on the web server or in the provider service.