
To see your game metrics, go to the Metrics tab in the Yandex Games Console.

Category lines on the charts show the metric value for the most popular games in each category.

To see the metrics for a specific device type or country, use the filters.





Device type

Shows the metric for a specific device type (desktops, mobile devices, and TVs).

  • All
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • TV


Shows the metric for a particular country where Yandex Games is available.

  • All
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • United States
  • Uzbekistan
  • Japan
  • Turkey
  • Brazil
  • Germany
  • Spain

Product metrics



Play time

Total number of minutes per day that players spent in the game. A separate line shows the contribution to playtime from new players.


Total number of unique players per day and new players per day.

Play time per player

Average time in minutes that a player spent in a single day in the game. A separate line shows the average playtime of a new player.

Day 1 retention

The percentage of players who returned to the game the day after their first session.

Day 3 retention

The percentage of players who returned to the game on the third day after their first session.

Week 2 retention

The percentage of players who returned to the game during the second week after starting.

Month 2 retention

The percentage of players who returned to the game during the second month after starting.


The rating reflects user engagement with a specific game and is based on factors such as return rate, total number of players, and amount of time spent in the game. The result is expressed as a score ranging from 0 to 100 points and is regularly updated to help users find the highest-quality games.

It is formed approximately two weeks after the game's publication.

The game quality index isn't calculated for games with a daily audience of less than 10 players.

Conversion metrics



Icon CTR in recommendations

The ratio of the total number of clicks to the number of icon displays in the catalog and collections, excluding the My games block.

Cover CTR in recommendations

The ratio of the total number of clicks to the number of cover displays in the catalog and collections.

Icon CTR in "My games"

The ratio of the total number of clicks to the number of icon displays in the My games block.

Monetization metrics




Daily revenue in rubles, broken down by sources: Yandex Advertising Network, external advertising networks, and in-app purchases.

Average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU)*

Average revenue in rubles from all sources per player per day.

Sticky impressions per player

The average number of sticky-banner impressions per player per day.

Interstitial impressions per player

The average number of full-screen ad impressions per player per day.

Rewarded impressions per player

The average number of rewarded ad impressions per player per day.

Number of in-app purchases

The total number of in-game purchases per day.

* Metric viewing is only available to the game owner and developers with the role of View income.


The information does not include applicable taxes. The information is not a public offer, part of a contract, or assurances about circumstances. You can find the full terms of cooperation in the contracts you have signed with Yandex.

Technical metrics



Game Ready API

The time from the moment the game launches to the moment it has loaded all its resources and is ready to interact with the player.

Time to interactive (TTI)

The time from the moment the game launches to the moment all time-intensive tasks are complete. This metric accounts for the browser load when the game is initialized.