Ranking and featuring


Ranking refers to how games are sorted in the Yandex Games catalog.

Games are ranked based on ML algorithms that evaluate various metrics, including:

  • Feature meter.
  • Rating.
  • Session count.
  • Session duration.
  • Number of returns.
  • Revenue.

The games with the best metrics rise to the top of the sections and are first to catch the user's eye.

The ML algorithm is constantly evaluating games. If you make significant improvements to your game, boosting its key metrics, this will be reflected in its ranking.


Featuring is when a game is included in a themed collection compiled by Yandex Games. Use the feature meter to track how ready your game is for featuring.

The feature meter is a tool that evaluates a game's ability to take full advantage of the Yandex Games toolkit for driving traffic. It doesn't directly assess the game's quality, but checks that all necessary materials are provided for it: images and videos for promotion and advertising, texts, and so on.

You can view the progress of your game's feature meter in the Games Console:

  1. Log in to the Games Console from your developer account.

  2. Click Applications in the upper-left corner of the Games Console.

  3. Find a previously uploaded game in the list and click its name.

  4. On the Draft tab, look for two scales:

    • The top scale is the general feature meter scale. It appears if the game draft is filled out for more than one language and reflects the overall level for all languages.
    • The bottom scale applies to the game version in the selected language.

    The feature meter scale can have one of the following colors:

    • Red: The game's draft is almost empty and needs to be filled out more.
    • Yellow: Many of the draft's fields are filled in, but some materials need to be added.
    • Green: The draft is fully filled out, and the game has every chance to rise in the rankings.