Enabling in-game promos

There are different methods to enable a promo: updating the build, updating the code, and automatic activation. After that, you need to fill out a promo card in the Games Console and submit it for moderation.

Build update


This method is suitable for games uploaded as an archive.

  1. Create a new game build with the promo.

  2. Submit the build for moderation. While moderators are checking the game (usually it takes about three working days, see Add a game for more information), you won't be able to make any changes to it. This applies to all the points related to moderation.


    If your game was under moderation more than 100 days ago, you'll see a warning saying that the requirements may have changed. To check if the game meets the requirements, cancel the submission for moderation.

  3. If everything is okay, the promo will be activated once you update the game.

  4. When the promo ends, create a new build for the game (with the promo disabled), and submit the build for moderation.



This method is suitable for games uploaded via a link.

  1. Update your game code adding the promo logic.

  2. Submit the game for moderation. While moderators are checking the game (usually it takes about three working days, see more about moderation in the Add a game section), you won't be able to make any changes to it. This applies to all the points related to moderation.


    If your game was under moderation more than 100 days ago, you'll see a warning saying that the requirements may have changed. To check if the game meets the requirements, cancel the submission for moderation.

  3. If everything is okay, the promo will be activated once you update the game.

  4. When the promo completes, add new updates to your code (with the promo disabled), and also submit it for moderation.

Automatic activation


This method works for all games.

To avoid having to pass moderation each time you want to hold a promo in your game, set up automatic promo activation.

  1. Schedule in-game promotions according to the promotional events calendar that we publish in the chat.
  2. In your game, add the ability to automatically enable and disable promos at specific times.
  3. Upload your game to the Games Console in advance and pass moderation.
  4. Fill out the promo card under the Promos tab in the Games Console and submit your promo for moderation.