Explanation for Requirement 1.10

Requirement 1.10

The game or WebApp is displayed correctly:

  1. The scale of the active field does not extend beyond the screen, elements are not cropped.

  2. There is no browser scrolling of the page (system scrollbar of the browser window). However, implementing custom content scroll within the game is allowed.

  3. Internal elements and texts do not overlap each other or cover other elements.

  4. It is possible to control the game with one hand and constantly be on the main scene without additional scrolling or swiping. Movements within the game field in strategies, role-playing games, and other genres with a large game field are permitted.

Cropping and Overlapping

For the requirement to be considered fulfilled, two conditions must be met:

  • All important elements are visible in such a way that the meaning of each is clear.
  • All elements are convenient to use.

1.10.1. If an element is cropped by the boundaries of the game area, it should not affect its recognizability and clickability, that is, the cropping should be insignificant. If an element is critically cropped, its meaning is not obvious, and it is inconvenient or impossible to use, then the application will not be approved for publishing or will be removed from the catalogue.

1.10.3. Overlapping one object over another is permissible only if the overlap is minor and does not affect the readability and clickability of the element. If a significant area of any object is covered or it interferes with reading the element or interacting with it, the publication will be denied.

It is not allowed to cover or crop:

  • buttons;
  • texts;
  • significant elements (for example, game objects, obstacles, scales, and indicators);
  • ad warnings.

All these elements must be clearly visible and easily legible on all declared platforms and in different resolutions.


You can check the game for compliance with these requirements yourself. To do this, open the application on different devices: in a window of different sizes on a laptop or computer, in landscape and portrait orientations on a phone. To check the mobile version of the application without a phone, use the developer tools in the desktop browser.

If you want to fix the screen orientation on the phone, do so in the developer console.

To check the game, moderation stretches and narrows the game area vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, changes the game scale on different devices. Testing examples:

Moderation Actions

Game Field


Reduce the width of the game area.

When the aspect ratio changes, the buttons on the left are cropped, and the inscriptions on them become unreadable.

Reduce the height of the game area.

Due to the small height of the game field, not all important elements fit on the screen, and the cat's head almost completely covers the player's score.



Moderation will reject the application for publishing the game or remove the application from the catalog if an important interface element is critically cropped. An object is considered as such if because part of it is hidden:

  • it is inconvenient to use;
  • it is poorly visible;
  • it is hard to understand its meaning;
  • cropping affects the clickability of the object.



With cropping

Without cropping

In the first image, it is evident that on a mobile platform the game field is significantly cropped, making it impossible to interact with the application. In the second picture, clickable arrows and text are fully visible.

The game score is not fully visible. All achievements should be distinctly visible and legible.

A significant part of the button is not visible, making it difficult to understand its function.

The ad warning is severely cropped and poorly legible.

Shop buttons are only partially visible, and the text on them is unreadable. Part of the game content is inaccessible.

The main content of the game — images, some of them are significantly cropped.

Important buttons are only partially visible, what two of them do is not obvious. It will be inconvenient to use the buttons.

The text on the bottom button is off the screen and unreadable.

The text about losing does not fit on the phone screen, making it hard to read.

Quiz answer options are severely cropped, the text on the extreme buttons is unreadable.

A significant part of the button and the number of resources are not visible.

The Start button is poorly visible.

In the visual novel, text is severely cropped, although it is the main content in games of this genre.

Partially hidden text is important to the game, but it's difficult to read.

The timer and achievements are not fully visible, one of the buttons is outside the screen.


If an interface element is not fully visible, but at the same time, it is easily legible and not difficult to use, then its cropping will be considered insignificant. Moderation will approve such a game, as the cropping will not affect the clickability of the interface objects.



Reactions under the text are not fully visible, but their comprehensibility and clickability are not affected by the cropping.

The edges of the quiz answer forms are cropped, but the texts are unaffected.

The Retry button is slightly cropped but is easily legible and easy to click.

Restart is an important button, but it is only slightly cropped, making it no less understandable or clickable.

The game over text is not fully visible, but the text is clear.



Games where the overlapping of objects worsens the user experience will be removed from publication or not approved for it. The application must be comfortable to use, all interface elements must be clearly visible, and their meaning must be intuitively understood. Otherwise, the overlap will affect the clickability of the elements and will be considered critical.



The text on a button is covered by another button, making it impossible to read.

Half of the card is hidden behind the score counter. The overlap is critical because the information on the hidden part of the card is important for the gameplay.

The icon that denotes advertising overlaps the text on the button, severely hindering its readability.

The button to watch an ad completely covers the reward description. This negatively impacts the user's motivation to watch the ad.

Texts on the loss screen overlap each other, making them difficult to read.

The description of in-game resources shares a layer and background with the game field, making the text difficult to read and the game uncomfortable to play.

The quiz question text overlaps itself, becoming unreadable. In a quiz, text is the main content of the game.

The overlapped Menu button affects its accessibility.


If part of an interface element is not visible, but it remains noticeable and convenient to use, the game will be approved by moderation. Overlapping objects should not affect user interaction with the interface.



Level buttons intersect, but inscriptions are legible and the intersection does not affect clickability. The error is non-critical.

The text on the Next button is partially covered, but it is intuitively understandable, and the button is clickable.

Images are partially overlapped, but texts are in order, so the overlap does not interfere with the gameplay.

The settings button is partially overlapped, but its understandability and clickability are not affected.

The game title and the start text button slightly intersect, but both remain easily legible, and the button remains convenient to use.

Contact Moderation

If you believe that your game is correctly displayed on all declared platforms and was removed from publication or not approved for it by mistake — fill in the form below.

The quality control service of moderation will re-check the decision and return the game if it was blocked unjustly.

Open form