Interface MapKit

public interface MapKit

Provides access to all services in the SDK.

Initialize the MapKit factory before using this class.

Note: MapKit holds listener/delegate objects by weak references. You need to have strong references to them somewhere in the client code.


DrivingRouter createDrivingRouter()

Creates a manager that builds driving routes using the specified endpoints and other route parameters.

LocationManager createLocationManager()

Creates a manager that allows to listen for device location updates.

LocationSimulator createLocationSimulator( Polyline geometry)

Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object with the given geometry.

MapWindow createMapWindow(PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object that is used to show the map.

MasstransitRouter createMasstransitRouter()

Creates a manager that builds public transit routes using the origin and destination points.

Player createPanoramaPlayer(PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object needed to show the panorama viewer.

PanoramaService createPanoramaService()

Creates a service that allows to find a panorama closest to the chosen point.

PedestrianRouter createPedestrianRouter()

Creates a manager that builds pedestrian routes using the origin and destination points.

SearchManager createSearchManager( SearchManagerType searchManagerType)

Creates a manager that allows to search for various geographical objects using a variety of parameters.

OfflineCacheManager getOfflineCacheManager()
String getVersion()

Returns the version of the mapkit bundle.

boolean isValid()

Tells if this MapKit is valid or no.

void onStart()

Notifies MapKit when the application resumes the foreground state.

void onStop()

Notifies MapKit when the application pauses and goes to the background.

DrivingRouter createDrivingRouter()

Creates a manager that builds driving routes using the specified endpoints and other route parameters.

LocationManager createLocationManager()

Creates a manager that allows to listen for device location updates.

LocationSimulator createLocationSimulator( Polyline geometry)

Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object with the given geometry.

MapWindow createMapWindow(PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object that is used to show the map.

MasstransitRouter createMasstransitRouter()

Creates a manager that builds public transit routes using the origin and destination points.

Player createPanoramaPlayer(PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object needed to show the panorama viewer.

PanoramaService createPanoramaService()

Creates a service that allows to find a panorama closest to the chosen point.

PedestrianRouter createPedestrianRouter()

Creates a manager that builds pedestrian routes using the origin and destination points.

SearchManager createSearchManager( SearchManagerType searchManagerType)

Creates a manager that allows to search for various geographical objects using a variety of parameters.

OfflineCacheManager getOfflineCacheManager()
String getVersion()

Returns the version of the mapkit bundle.

boolean isValid()

Tells if this MapKit is valid or no.

void onStart()

Notifies MapKit when the application resumes the foreground state.

void onStop()

Notifies MapKit when the application pauses and goes to the background.

Method Detail


public DrivingRouter createDrivingRouter ()

Creates a manager that builds driving routes using the specified endpoints and other route parameters.


public LocationManager createLocationManager ()

Creates a manager that allows to listen for device location updates.


public LocationSimulator createLocationSimulator (Polyline geometry)

Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object with the given geometry.


public MapWindow createMapWindow (PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object that is used to show the map.

Do not call this method - it is for internal use only. To show the map, please use the corresponding map "view" object.


public MasstransitRouter createMasstransitRouter ()

Creates a manager that builds public transit routes using the origin and destination points.


public Player createPanoramaPlayer (PlatformGLView platformView)

Creates an internal "window" object needed to show the panorama viewer.

Do not call this method - it is for internal use only. To open the panorama viewer, please use the corresponding panorama "view" object.


public PanoramaService createPanoramaService ()

Creates a service that allows to find a panorama closest to the chosen point.


public PedestrianRouter createPedestrianRouter ()

Creates a manager that builds pedestrian routes using the origin and destination points.


public SearchManager createSearchManager (SearchManagerType searchManagerType)

Creates a manager that allows to search for various geographical objects using a variety of parameters.


public OfflineCacheManager getOfflineCacheManager ()


This feature is not available in the free MapKit version.

Returns a manager that handles cached resources offline.


public String getVersion ()

Returns the version of the mapkit bundle.


public boolean isValid ()

Tells if this MapKit is valid or no.

Any other method (except for this one) called on an invalid MapKit will throw java.lang.RuntimeException. An instance becomes invalid only on UI thread, and only when its implementation depends on objects already destroyed by now. Please refer to general docs about the interface for details on its invalidation.


public void onStart ()

Notifies MapKit when the application resumes the foreground state.


public void onStop ()

Notifies MapKit when the application pauses and goes to the background.