Interface Projection

public interface Projection

Makes two conversions: world->XY and XY->world, where XY are tile indexes.

There are two main derived classes: spherical mercator (google, osm) and wgs84 mercator (yandex).


XYPoint worldToXY( Point geoPoint, int zoom)

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.

Point xyToWorld( XYPoint xyPoint, int zoom)

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.

XYPoint worldToXY( Point geoPoint, int zoom)

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.

Point xyToWorld( XYPoint xyPoint, int zoom)

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.

Method Detail


public XYPoint worldToXY (Point geoPoint, int zoom)

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.


public Point xyToWorld (XYPoint xyPoint, int zoom)

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.