Interface Route

public interface Route

Contains information about a route constructed by the mass transit router.


Polyline getGeometry()

Polyline of a whole route.

RouteMetadata getMetadata()

General route information.

List< Section > getSections()

Vector of sections of the route.

UriObjectMetadata getUriMetadata()

Route URI, which can be used together with MasstransitRouter to fetch additional information about the route or can be bookmarked for future reference.

Polyline getGeometry()

Polyline of a whole route.

RouteMetadata getMetadata()

General route information.

List< Section > getSections()

Vector of sections of the route.

UriObjectMetadata getUriMetadata()

Route URI, which can be used together with MasstransitRouter to fetch additional information about the route or can be bookmarked for future reference.

Method Detail


public Polyline getGeometry ()

Polyline of a whole route.


public RouteMetadata getMetadata ()

General route information.


public List< Section > getSections ()

Vector of sections of the route.


public UriObjectMetadata getUriMetadata ()

Route URI, which can be used together with MasstransitRouter to fetch additional information about the route or can be bookmarked for future reference.