Protocol YMKAssetsProvider

Interface for providing images, image sizes and icon styles to the search layer.

Instance Methods

- iconStyleWithSearchResult:type:

Returns the icon style for certain placemark type with given search result.

- imageWithSearchResult:type:

Returns image for certain placemark type with given search result.

- sizeWithSearchResult:type:

Returns the size of the icon of certain placemark type with given search result.

- iconStyleWithSearchResult:type:

Returns the icon style for certain placemark type with given search result.

- imageWithSearchResult:type:

Returns image for certain placemark type with given search result.

- sizeWithSearchResult:type:

Returns the size of the icon of certain placemark type with given search result.

Method Detail


- (nonnull YMKIconStyle *)iconStyleWithSearchResult:(nullable YMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the icon style for certain placemark type with given search result.


- (nullable UIImage *)imageWithSearchResult:(nullable YMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns image for certain placemark type with given search result.


- (nonnull YMKSize *)sizeWithSearchResult:(nullable YMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the size of the icon of certain placemark type with given search result.