Class YMKMasstransitOptions

User-defined options for a YMKMasstransitRouter request.

Class Methods



Transport types that will be allowed even if they are avoided.


Transport types that the router will avoid.


Desired departure/arrival time settings.


Transport types that will be allowed even if they are avoided.


Transport types that the router will avoid.


Desired departure/arrival time settings.

Method Detail


+ (nonnull YMKMasstransitOptions *)masstransitOptionsWithAvoidTypes:(nonnull NSArray< NSString * > *)avoidTypes
                                                        acceptTypes:(nonnull NSArray< NSString * > *)acceptTypes
                                                        timeOptions:(nonnull YMKTimeOptions *)timeOptions 

Property Detail


(strong, readwrite) NSArray< NSString * > * acceptTypes

Transport types that will be allowed even if they are avoided.

The client must explicitly add all known non-avoided vehicle types to this parameter when sending a request to the mass transit router. This is necessary to prevent problems with avoiding subtypes of any avoided type if the user did not set them as avoided. The server supports at least the following vehicle type identifiers: bus, trolleybus, tramway, minibus, suburban, underground, ferry, cable, funicular. You must put every vehicle type identifier known to you either in avoidTypes or in acceptTypes list, so that router can provide routes with the most accurate filtering options for your application. Avoid making assumptions like vehicle type A is a subtype of vehicle type B.


(strong, readwrite) NSArray< NSString * > * avoidTypes

Transport types that the router will avoid.


(strong, readwrite) YMKTimeOptions * timeOptions

Desired departure/arrival time settings.

Empty YMKTimeOptions for requests that are not time-dependent.