Protocol YMKOfflineCacheRegionListener


This feature is not available in the free MapKit version.

Instance Methods

- onRegionErrorWithRegion:error:

Error occurred while downloading the specific region.

- onRegionProgressWithRegion:

Progress of specific region download was updated.

- onRegionStateChangedWithRegion:

Region state was changed.

- onRegionErrorWithRegion:error:

Error occurred while downloading the specific region.

- onRegionProgressWithRegion:

Progress of specific region download was updated.

- onRegionStateChangedWithRegion:

Region state was changed.

Method Detail


- (void)onRegionErrorWithRegion:(nullable YMKOfflineCacheRegion *)region
                          error:(nullable NSError *)error 

Error occurred while downloading the specific region.

The download of other regions will continue.

Error has occurred. Expected error types: 1. RemoteError: server is unable to provide a specific region. 2. LocalError: unable to store region on disk. General error. 3. DiskFullError: not enough space to store region on disk. 4. RegionOutdatedError: downloaded map is out of date.


Error has occurred. Expected error types: 1. RemoteError: server is unable to provide a specific region. 2. LocalError: unable to store region on disk. General error. 3. DiskFullError: not enough space to store region on disk. 4. RegionOutdatedError: downloaded map is out of date.


- (void)onRegionProgressWithRegion:(nullable YMKOfflineCacheRegion *)region 

Progress of specific region download was updated.


- (void)onRegionStateChangedWithRegion:(nullable YMKOfflineCacheRegion *)region 

Region state was changed.