Protocol YMKProjection

Makes two conversions: world->XY and XY->world, where XY are tile indexes.

There are two main derived classes: spherical mercator (google, osm) and wgs84 mercator (yandex).

Instance Methods

- worldToXYWithGeoPoint:zoom:

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.

- xyToWorldWithXyPoint:zoom:

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.

- worldToXYWithGeoPoint:zoom:

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.

- xyToWorldWithXyPoint:zoom:

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.

Method Detail


- (nonnull YMKXYPoint *)worldToXYWithGeoPoint:(nonnull YMKPoint *)geoPoint

Converts the world coordinates to a flat world position.


- (nonnull YMKPoint *)xyToWorldWithXyPoint:(nonnull YMKXYPoint *)xyPoint

Converts the flat world position to world coordinates.