Class YRTI18nManagerFactory

Class Methods

+ getI18nManagerInstance
+ getLocaleWithLocaleDelegate:

Returns the locale currently used by the runtime.

+ resetLocaleWithLocaleResetDelegate:

Resets locale settings to system defaults.

+ setLocaleWithLanguage:country:localeUpdateDelegate:

Sets the runtime locale.

+ setLocaleWithLanguage:localeUpdateDelegate:

Sets a custom library language.

+ getI18nManagerInstance
+ getLocaleWithLocaleDelegate:

Returns the locale currently used by the runtime.

+ resetLocaleWithLocaleResetDelegate:

Resets locale settings to system defaults.

+ setLocaleWithLanguage:country:localeUpdateDelegate:

Sets the runtime locale.

+ setLocaleWithLanguage:localeUpdateDelegate:

Sets a custom library language.

Method Detail


+ (nullable YRTI18nManager *)getI18nManagerInstance


+ (void)getLocaleWithLocaleDelegate:(nullable YRTLocaleDelegate)localeDelegate 

Returns the locale currently used by the runtime.


+ (void)resetLocaleWithLocaleResetDelegate:(nullable YRTLocaleResetDelegate)localeResetDelegate 

Resets locale settings to system defaults.


+ (void)setLocaleWithLanguage:(nonnull NSString *)language
                      country:(nonnull NSString *)country
         localeUpdateDelegate:(nullable YRTLocaleUpdateDelegate)localeUpdateDelegate 

Sets the runtime locale.

The user needs to restart the application for the changes to take effect.


+ (void)setLocaleWithLanguage:(nonnull NSString *)language
         localeUpdateDelegate:(nullable YRTLocaleUpdateDelegate)localeUpdateDelegate 

Sets a custom library language.

Country settings are determined by system preferences. The user needs to restart the application for the changes to take effect.