Toloka is one of the world's largest crowdsourcing platforms for collecting and labeling large amounts of data for machine learning projects, ultimately solving a variety of problems for businesses. The data labeled on the platform is used to drive computer vision, speech recognition, search algorithms, recommendation systems, and more. Toloka is a key tool for major IT companies globally.

Какие задачи вас ждут

  • Work closely with engineers, many of whom are not native English speakers, to create polished documentation in English for new product features and updates
  • Document new features, APIs, and tutorials
  • Create standards, guidelines, and best practices for scaling our documentation

Мы ждём, что вы

  • Experience in technical writing, product documentation, or online publishing
  • Proven skills in writing clear and concise technical documentation for software
  • Ability to read and understand source code written in Python/JavaScript/XML/HTML
  • Writing and editing experience
  • Verbal and written fluency in English
Спасибо за отклик!

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Mon Aug 26 2024 17:21:45 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)