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How do you stay optimistic when life seems to be a catastrophe?

Victoria Medvedeva
  · 5,4 K
About? About me? Well that is a complex answer. I change with every new experience.  · 18 июн 2017

Catastrophic or in a depressive state? Life is full of heartache and hardships. Life is full of change and lessons learned, often the hard way. We lose people we love, we lose things we value. All of these things are guaranteed to happen. It's how we perceive them that makes or breaks us. Even in the darkest, lonely moments, there is beauty. It can be an uphill battle to force yourself to see them but they are there. Everyone has their own ideas of what that beauty can be. If the dark is a frightening place for you? Look up and see the stars. They are amazing, soon that sense of awe inspires hope. Hope is the key to optimistic views. I may be depressed but I have learned to hold on to that one small thing that brings hope. It may not be okay at this moment but the next breath will be better and so on from there.