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Greg Jenner

Public historian, co-host of BBC2’s ‘Inside Versailles’, Historical Consultant on BBC’s ‘Horrible Histories’, author of ‘A Million Years In A Day – A Curious History Of Daily Life From The Stone Age To The Phone Age‘. @greg_jenner
Активность на Кью
Public historian, co-host of BBC2’s ‘Inside Versailles’, Historical Consultant on BBC’s ‘Horrible Histories’, author of ‘A Million Years In A Day – A Curious History Of Daily Life From The Stone Age To The Phone Age‘. @greg_jenner

What was the greatest time in history to be alive?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 2 ответа
There are very few periods of history that are devoid of war, famine, disease and crime. Any period in history prior to 1944, for instance, is going to be pre-antibiotics – and a world... Читать далее
Public historian, co-host of BBC2’s ‘Inside Versailles’, Historical Consultant on BBC’s ‘Horrible Histories’, author of ‘A Million Years In A Day – A Curious History Of Daily Life From The Stone Age To The Phone Age‘. @greg_jenner

What do people most get wrong about history?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
What most people get wrong is that history is not the same as the past. History is a creative and inventive discipline. You are trying to comprehend and piece together what happened in... Читать далее