Protect: security icons

A website's security level is indicated in the SmartBox using connection status icons.

Icon Description
HTTP protocol is in use.
Uses the HTTPS protocol, which protects data being sent by encrypting it. Make sure the page header shows this icon before you begin entering confidential information on a website (like your bank card number).
Data transfer might not be secure. This icon appears if the page has a form that sends data over the HTTP protocol without encryption, or if Yandex is not familiar with the publisher of the page’s locally-installed certificate, or if images load over an unsecure protocol on a page that loads over HTTPS.
Antishock blocked part of the page contents.
This page may harm your tablet. The website’s certificate might have expired or been revoked.

If you tap the icon in the SmartBox, the Protect toolbar will appear where you can get more detailed information about the connection status and also enable or disable:

If you can't find the information you need in Help or you are having issues with Yandex Browser for Mobile, please describe your actions step by step. Take a screenshot if possible. This will help our support specialists quickly find a solution for the issue you're experiencing.

Note. To resolve issues with Yandex services, please contact support of these services:
Yandex Browser for desktop
If you have problems using the desktop version of Yandex Browser, you can contact us directly from the browser: go to  → Advanced → Report problem or fill out the form.
Yandex Home page
If your question is about the Yandex Home page (for example, you want to change the theme, customize blocks or icons for services, or find YooMoney), contact us using this form. Select the option Question about Yandex Home page.
Yandex Mail
If your have questions about Yandex Mail (for example, how to disable ads, import messages from other mailboxes, restore deleted emails, or find messages in the Spam folder), use this form.
Yandex Search and search results
If you have questions about Yandex Search and search results (for example, about site ranking or invalid search results), contact us using this form.