Retrieving Yandex Disk app logs

Specify the version of your program:

  1. Click the app icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click .
  3. Select a topic from the Help menu.
  4. Hold down the Ctrl key and click Report an error to Yandex. A folder containing the ZIP archive you selected opens automatically.
  5. Attach this archive to the feedback form or to your email.
Tip. If you can't attach the archive to the email, and provide to it in your email.
  1. Open the Help menu.
  2. Hold Ctrl and click View help. The folder with the selected ZIP archive will open automatically.
  3. Attach this archive to the feedback form or to your email.
Tip. If you can't attach the archive to the email, and provide to it in your email.

If the program does not install or does not start, retrieve the logs manually:

  1. Open Finder and go to the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Yandex Disk.2. Press Enter. Archive the contents of the folder that opens.
  2. Do the same for the folder /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports.
  3. Attach both of these archives to the feedback form or to your email.
Tip. If you can't attach the archive to the email, and provide to it in your email.

Do you upload files to your Yandex Disk through the special program window or a regular Finder folder?

You most likely have Yandex Disk 3.1. To know for sure, click Help → About the program in the menu bar. This page shows the version of the program.

Most likely, you have classic Yandex Disk (Yandex Disk 1.4).