Tag initialization

Tip. Working with the JavaScript API requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. If you don't know these languages, contact your website developer or webmaster.

Download the JavaScript library that is responsible for tag operation from https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js.

The code for enabling the library is available on the edit tag page. The library can be loaded asynchronously (recommended) or synchronously, but its functionality remains the same.

To create and manage a tag, use the ym method. It's created in the download code:
m[i].l=1*new Date();k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)})
(window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym");

ym requires the tag ID and the name of the function being called. The method can also be passed arguments of the invoked function. For example, to initialize a tag, you need to pass the tag ID, the name of the init function, and an array of parameters:

ym(XXXXXX, "init", {clickmap: true, webvisor: true});

If you don't want to pass parameters to the function, initialization looks like this:

ym(XXXXXX, "init", {});

The part of the code containing the main initialization parameters is generated on the Settings page. The full list of initialization parameters is shown in the table.

Functions that can be called via the ym method are described in the methods reference.

Tag initialization parameters


Default value





Boolean | Number

Accurate bounce rate The parameter can accept these values:

  • true — Enable the accurate bounce rate, with a non-bounce event registered after 15000 ms (15 s).
  • false — Don't enable the accurate bounce rate.
  • <N> (integer) — Enable the accurate bounce rate. Non-bounce events are recorded after <N> ms.
childIframe false Boolean Whether to record iframe contents without a tag in a child window




Whether to collect data for a click map




Whether to disable automatically sending data during tag initialization

ecommerce false

Boolean | String | Array

Collect data for e-commerce — Ecommerce.

  • true — Enable e-commerce data collection. Data is transmitted via a JavaScript array named dataLayer in the global namespace (window.dataLayer)
  • false — Disable Ecommerce data collection.
  • <objectName> (String) — Enable Ecommerce data collection. Data is transmitted via a JavaScript array named <objectName> in the global namespace (window.<objectName>)
  • <array> (Array) — Enable Ecommerce data collection. Data is transmitted via a JavaScript <array>


Object | Array

Session parameters transmitted during tag initialization

To transmit session parameters at any other time, use the params method



Parameters of site users that are transmitted when initializing the tag

To transmit user parameters at any other time, use the userParams method




Hash tracking in the browser's address bar




Track clicks on outbound links

trustedDomains Array Indicates a trusted domain for recording the contents of a child iframe. Contains the domain address of the parent window




Tag type. 1 for YAN




Whether to use Session Replay




Whether to check if the tag is ready

Checking tag initialization

You can use a special JavaScript event to find out if the tag is ready to operate. However, you must add the triggerEvent parameter set to true in the code snippet.
ym(XXXXXX, "init", {triggerEvent: true});
For jQuery, you can use the following code sample up to the moment of tag initialization:
jQuery(document).on('yacounterXXXXXXinited', function () {
    console.log('tag yaCounterXXXXXX can be used');

Enabling a tag using the tag management system

Yandex Metrica tags can also be enabled using tag management systems (also called tag dispatchers or tag containers). These systems let you store all the necessary HTML/JavaScript code on an external server and connect it to webpages using small code snippets. This means you can make changes to the connected code without changing the code of webpages.

Tag management systems usually support two types of integrated code for tags: JavaScript and image. Yandex Metrica supports both types of tags. To integrate them using tag management systems, use code snippets from the Settings page (under the Tag tab).

<script type="text/javascript">
m[i].l=1*new Date();k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)})
(window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym");

ym(XXXXXX, "init", {<параметры инициализации>});

Here, XXXXXX is the Yandex Metrica tag ID.

The data collected may vary depending on the type of code snippet. To learn more, see Data collected by the Yandex Metrica tag.

You can enable multiple tags at once inside each tag, in the same way as described in Installing multiple tags on a site.