Attention. This signature is outdated. It's supported for backward compatibility, but may be deprecated at any time. We strongly discourage using it. Use hit (url[, options]).
Manually sending pageview data for AJAX and Flash sites.ym(XXXXXX, 'hit', url, [title[, referer[, params]]]);
Parameter | Default value | Type | Description |
url * | — | string | Current page URL |
title | document.title | string | Page titles |
referer | — | string | The URL of the page that the user loaded the current page contents from |
params | — | Session parameters |
Parameter | Default value | Type | Description |
url * | — | string | Current page URL |
title | document.title | string | Page titles |
referer | — | string | The URL of the page that the user loaded the current page contents from |
params | — | Session parameters |
* Required parameter.
The url and referer parameters allow using URL paths without the schema (protocol) and host.
In this case, if a path starts with a /
the URL is assumed to be set from the root of the host.
ym(XXXXXX, 'hit', '/contacts');
Otherwise, the path is assumed to be relative to the current page.
ym(XXXXXX, 'hit', 'contacts', 'Contacts');
ym(XXXXXX, 'init', {});
ym(XXXXXX, 'hit', '#!contacts', 'Contacts', 'http://example.com/#!main');