Methods reference

Tip. Working with the JavaScript API requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. If you don't know these languages, contact your website developer or webmaster.
Ya.Metrika object methods



addFileExtension Adds file extension support.
extLink Sends information about clicks on outbound links.
file Sends information about file downloads.
firstPartyParams Sends contact information of site users.
firstPartyParamsHashed Sends contact information of site users with data self-hashing support.
getClientID Gets the user ID assigned by Yandex Metrica.
hit Manually sending pageview data for AJAX and Flash sites.
notBounce Sends information about non-bounces.
params The Session parameters report lets you specify additional user information you wish to track.
reachGoal Conversion.
setUserID Transmitting the user ID set by the site owner.
userParams Method for transmitting user parameters to the User Parameters report.