
  1. Examples
Tip. Working with the JavaScript API requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. If you don't know these languages, contact your website developer or webmaster.

Transmits information about a completed goal.

ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', target[, params[, callback[, ctx]]]);


Default value



target *


Goal ID. The ID is set on the tag editing page when creating or changing a “JavaScript event” goal



Session parameters



The callback function to call after sending pageview data



The context accessed by the this keyword in the callback function

params object fields:
order_price or price


Goal cost. You can set the cost in currency or Yandex units.



Use this field if you want to pass the goal cost in currency. Yandex Metrica recognizes three-letter ISO 4217 currency codes

If a different currency is passed, null values will be sent instead of currencies and amounts.

  • * Required parameter.

If you want to track the same action in multiple locations, just create one JavaScript event goal and call the reachGoal method with the goal ID each time the goal is achieved.

If you have a number of different events, create a separate goal for each event and track them separately. In this case, goals must have different IDs.

Attention. The target ID value must not be a part of the URL for any of the pages on the site. Otherwise, statistics also include session information for pages that contain the goal name in the URL.

When setting the goal ID, don't use the following symbols:/ \ & # ? = ".


Options for embedding goals in the source code of your site:

For a form
<form action="" method="get" onsubmit="ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME'); return true;">
For a button
<form action="">
    <input type="button" onclick="ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME'); return true;" value="Заказать" />
For a link
<a href="/" onclick="ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME'); return true;">Price</a>
For a link with transmission of user parameters
<script type="text/javascript">
    var goalParams = {myParam: 123};
    function goalCallback () {
        console.log('запрос в Метрику успешно отправлен');
<a href="/" onclick="ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME', goalParams, goalCallback); return true;">Прайс</a>
Goal completion on page loading

If you are using an asynchronous code snippet and the goal is called using the script element, insert the following code on any part of the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function() {
        ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME')
Setting the value of a goal for a form
<script type="text/javascript">
    var goalParams = {
       order_price: 1000.35,
       currency: "RUB"
<form action="" method="get" onsubmit="ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME', goalParams); return true;">
Transferring a goal cost dynamically using JQuery
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
      var reachGoalWithDynamicPrice = function () {
        var dynamicPrice = jQuery('#cart .price-input').reduce(function (total, input) {
          var price = parseFloat(input.val())
          return isNaN(price) ? total : total + price
        }, 0)
        var goalParams = {
          order_price: dynamicPrice,
          currency: "RUB"
        ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'TARGET_NAME', goalParams)
        return true
<form id="cart" action="/submit_order.php" method="post">
    <div class="item">
      <div class="name">Body pillow with JoJo</div>
      <div class="price">3000.50 rub</div>
      <input class="price-input hidden" value="3000.5" />

  • XXXXXX is the tag ID.
  • TARGET_NAME is the goal ID.

Select a question to find a solution.

Goals in Yandex Metrica work the same way for any source. Perhaps there aren't any users who have completed the goal from this source yet.

This might happen for the following reasons:
  • The goal condition in Yandex Metrica doesn't cover all the possibilities. For example, the goal is set as going to the order confirmation page, but the site also allows instant checkout without visiting this page.
  • The site user has a browser plugin that blocks the Yandex Metrica tag, so this user isn't counted.
  • The user has an antivirus system with strict privacy settings.
  • The user has a slow internet connection, so the Yandex Metrica tag didn't load on the target page.