Reports on topics
These reports let you collect and compare general statistics on various topics.
Topics reflect the content of articles. They are different from categories because there are no limits on the number topics you can create.
To view the reports:
. To view a report on a specific topic, click the name of that topic.To ensure that statistics are collected and displayed correctly, make sure that site content markup follows the recommendations ( or Open Graph).
What reports can be used for
- Find out which topics users are the most interested in
Analyze audience engagement indicators for any topic. If most articles on a specific topic aren't well read, it's probably not interesting and you should no longer pursue it or spend less of the editorial staff's time on it. Popular topics with high engagement should be a higher priority.
- Understand what the audience is interested in
High pageview and engagement metrics help you understand what topics readers are interested in. You can track the dynamics of your audience's interests: what they're interested in now and what they were interested in last month or quarter.
- Determine the best author for a certain topic
The Popular authors widget lets you see whose content on a specific topic is more popular with your readers.
- See who reads each topic and how
Study audience data for each topic, such as user gender and age. This helps you understand who the main readers are for the topic. By focusing on them, you can change the way information is presented or the style of text.
Look at page formats to understand which of them are preferred.