
The Dashboard page summarizes statistics for your website. This helps you track the information that's important to you, such as traffic dynamics or traffic sources. Statistics are displayed using widgets.

You can change the details of the time period to display the selected data for and change the level of data accuracy.

Widget types

Widgets provide information in various forms:
Shows metrics or dimensions in dynamics over a specified time period. There are two modes:
  • Metrics – Displays multiple metrics on a single graph.
  • Dimension values – Displays graphs for multiple values for the selected dimension.
Indicator Shows the selected metric in dynamics over the specified time period.
Pie chart Displays the percentages of various metrics in the group.
Table Displays metric values as a table.

You can use ready-made widgets that are provided in the widgets library or create and configure custom widgets.

Widgets library

The library contains sets of ready-to-use widgets that will help you analyze website performance, such as:

  • Evaluate the quality of website pages.
  • Get the Top popular pages, outbound links, and others.;
  • Get information about conversions and the conversion rate.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of traffic and its sources.
  • Check the speed of the website.

If these widgets don't provide enough data, you can create new widgets with the settings you need.

Creating and configuring widgets

Data displayed on widgets can be configured in cross sections: select a set of metrics or dimensions, add a goal, or select a segment.

To create a widget, click Create widget and select the type you need.

By default, this widget already contains a set of parameters. To change them, click . The widget settings window looks like this:

  • 1 — Change the name of the widget.
  • 2 — Set criteria for data sampling.
  • 3Statistical object.
  • 4 — Metrics to show on the widget.
  • 5 — The group the metrics are in.
  • 6 — A previously created goal.

Examples of creating widgets

View statistics by technology
Let's say you want to see the number of sessions, grouped by browser. Create a Pie chart widget and configure the following settings:
  1. In the Statistics and Metrics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Dimension field, select Technologies → Browser.

Track conversions for a goal
Let's say your site uses the “Order” goal, and you want to graph the conversion rate of this goal for different traffic sources. Create a Lines widget and configure it:
  1. In the Show on graph field, choose Dimension values.
  2. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  3. In the Goal field, select Order.
  4. In the Metrics field, select Conversion.
  5. In the Dimension field, select Traffic source.

View statistics on user geography
Let's say you want to know the number of recent sessions from different cities in Russia. For example, you can create a Table widget with the following settings:
  1. In the Statistics and Metrics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Dimension field, select Audience → Geography → City.
The widget shows sessions from all over the world. To see only cities in Russia, configure segmentation:
  1. Go to the Segmentation tab.
  2. In the for people with field, click Add condition.
  3. Select Characteristics → Geography → Location.
  4. From the list of countries, select Russia.

Examples of making summary reports

You can create your own summaries using widgets. You can create different summaries for different types of website.

Sites offering products and services
Tip. If you have an online store with a large number of products, configure transmitting e-commerce data and use the special group of reports.
To monitor the development of your online store, you can use the following indicators on the widgets:
Traffic sources with transactions
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Lines widget and configure it:
  1. In the Show on graph field, choose Dimension values.
  2. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  3. In the Metrics field, select E-commerce → Number of purchases.
  4. In the Dimension field, select Sources → Traffic source.

Number of purchases
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create an Indicator widget and configure it as follows:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, select E-commerce → Number of purchases.

Entry pages
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, select Sessions.
  3. In the Dimension field, select Behavior → Landing page.

Average revenue from purchase
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, select E-commerce → Average revenue from purchase.

Information sites
For owners of information sites, it's useful to monitor the metrics of:
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Lines widget and configure it:
  1. In the Show on graph field, select Metrics.
  2. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  3. Go to the Graph tab, and as the first line of the graph, select Basic metrics → Users.

Time on website
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, choose Behavior → Time on site.

Page traffic
You can find this widget in the widgets library: Popular content → Popular pages.

Estimated revenue (from ad impressions)

If your site uses ad blocks hosted from the Yandex Advertising Network or any other network enabled with Adfox, you can use the data from Monetization reports.

To add a widget to your dashboard, create an Indicator widget and configure it as follows:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, choose Monetization → Average revenue from purchase.

CPMV (Cost per mille viewable ads)
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Lines widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the field Metrics select Monetization → CPMV.
  3. In the Dimension field, select Source → Traffic source.

Site promotion
You can use the following indicators on widgets for promotional purposes:
Recent keywords
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics and Metrics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Dimension field, select Source → Last source → Search → Last keyword.

To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create an Indicator widget and configure it as follows:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, choose Behavior → Bounces.

Page traffic from search engines
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, select Sessions.
  2. In the Metrics field, select Views.
  3. In the Dimension field, select Source → Last source → Search → Search engine.

Traffic from search engines
You can find this widget in the widgets library: Traffic volume → Percentages → By source → Search engines.

Device type

You can find this widget in the widgets library: Traffic volume → Percentages → By user characteristics → Type of device used.

Site performance
You can use metrics to track site performance:
Browser rendering time
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, choose Site speed.
  2. In the Metrics field, select Rendering time.
  3. In the Dimension field, select Technologies → Browser.

DNS speed
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Lines widget and configure it:
  1. In the Show on graph field, select Dimension values.
  2. In the Statistics field, choose Site speed.
  3. In the Metrics field, select Page loading → DNS.
  4. In the Dimension field, select View → URL → Page address.

HTML recognition time
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, choose Site speed.
  2. In the Metrics field, select Loading pages → HTML load and parsing time.
  3. In the Dimension field, select View → URL → Page address.

Time to establish connection
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, choose Site speed.
  2. In the Metrics field, select Time to establish connection.
  3. In the Dimension field, select View → URL → Page address.

Time to load pages by device
To add a widget like this to your dashboard, create a Table widget and configure it:
  1. In the Statistics field, choose Site speed.
  2. In the Metrics field, select DOM loading time.
  3. In the Dimension field, select Technology → Device → By device.

Questions and answers

What does the message “Quota for the number of requests for the IP address exceeded” mean

To ensure maximum service availability, Yandex Metrica imposes limitations on the number of data requests from users (quotas). These quotas are typically used in the Yandex Metrica API. Some of them are also used in the web interface. When the quota is exceeded, a message warning you about that appears in Yandex Metrica: