Survey requirements

Before publication, surveys are moderated for compliance with the requirements. Moderation takes up to two business days.

The service may refuse publication of any survey without explaining the reasons.

It is prohibited to:

1. Collect users' personal data

  • Full name.
  • Contact details.
  • Document numbers.
  • Bank card numbers.
  • Passwords.

2. Use surveys for advertising purposes

You must not use surveys as ads or tools to promote a product, a good, or a service.
You must not use surveys to get opinions about political topics or respondents' political preferences.

4. Involve users in promo campaigns

You must not place materials calling on the respondent to take part in a contest, a promo campaign, or a prize draw.

5. Motivate users with money or coupons

Surveys don't include remuneration for respondents.
  • Advertising information whose placement has not been agreed with Yandex.
  • Spam (including search spam).
  • Lists of email addresses.
  • Schemes of financial pyramids, network marketing, or earning money online.

7. Distribute malicious software containing

  • Viruses.
  • Computer codes, files, or programs that may disrupt operation of computer or telecommunications equipment.
  • Programs providing unauthorized access.
  • Serial numbers for programs and methods of generating them.
  • Links to resources containing the above materials.

8. Publish materials that violate the law

  • Contribute to illegal or criminal activities.
  • Contravene laws, including the norms of international law.

9. Publish deliberately false information

You must not publish information containing slander or which is an affront to human dignity and public morality.

10. Violate the Privacy Policy

  • Impersonate another person or representative of an organization, as well as use other forms and methods of illegal impersonation of other people on the internet.
  • Publish confidential information of third parties without their consent.
  • Claim that a survey or form is anonymous when this is not the case.

11. Infringe intellectual property rights

Any use of content you don't have the rights to under the law or by contract is prohibited.

12. Harm minors

It's prohibited to violate the rights of minors and cause them harm in any form, including their to their health or development.

13. Promote violence and cruelty

It is prohibited to publish information that demonstrates or promotes violence and cruelty, contains threats to other individuals or has a malicious effect on them, or that is also used to provoke violence, harassment, or material damage.

14. Promote hatred or discrimination

It's prohibited to publish information that promotes hatred towards or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social, or other grounds, or which contains insults directed at any individuals or organizations.

15. Use pornographic materials

It's prohibited to publish information that includes elements of pornography or eroticism or advertises sexual services explicitly or implicitly.

Promotion of pornographic materials is also not allowed.

16. Disseminate information about drugs, explosives, or weapons

It's prohibited to publish information explaining how to produce, use or otherwise utilize narcotic or explosive substances or weapons, as well as their analogs.

17. Promote terrorism

It's prohibited to publish information relating to terrorism, including recruitment, incitement to violence, or promotion of terrorism.

18. Create the impression that the survey was initiated by one of the Yandex services

If you are a partner of one of the services, this should be clear from the text of the survey. Use the full names of Yandex services (example: Yandex Taxi).

19. Promote gambling

It's prohibited to publish information containing:

  • Direct or indirect calls to participate in gambling.
  • Texts showing a tolerance for gambling.
  • Description of lost profits from not participating in gambling.

20. Encourage alcohol consumption.

It's prohibited to publish information containing direct or indirect calls to consume alcoholic beverages.

21. Conduct simple surveys on prescription medications.

It's prohibited to publish information on prescription drugs in a simple survey.

22. Conduct simple surveys on sports forecasts and bookmakers.

It's prohibited to publish information on sports forecasts and bookmakers in a simple survey.

23. Mention tragic events.

It's prohibited to publish information mentioning tragic events, such as accidents, epidemics, and terrorist attacks.

Text requirements

The survey text must be written in Russian, without typos and grammatical errors.

It must not include:

  • Slang or rude and colloquial expressions.

  • Product categories, unrelated words, and complex constructs, such as product IDs and long alphanumeric model numbers.

All the required fields must be filled in correctly.

Image requirements

Images must be embedded in the survey and checked in the preview. Don't use oversized formats.

The text in the image must be readable.

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