Injury on the slot
If you've been injured, please report it to Support.
If it's an emergency, first go to the nearest emergency room, clinic, or hospital to get help. Ask for an injury certificate.
Send a photo of your documents to the operator and report your injury. Your request will be escalated to a senior staff member.
If you've been injured while on slot, they will put together a claim for the insurance company so that you can receive compensation for your medical treatment.
Traffic accident on the slot
We know you're doing your best to deliver orders quickly, but please be careful and use caution.
If you accidentally bump into a pedestrian, stop and make sure no one's hurt.
You then need to sincerely apologize and offer help.
In situations like this, simple politeness can go a long way.
If there's a conflict that you can no longer deescalate with words, contact support — they'll tell you what to do.
Please treat others with care, especially when driving or riding.
Keep yourself and those around you safe.
If there's been a road accident, stay there to deal with it. When the formalities are over, you'll be issued an accident report with an appendix to it.
If the accident happened while on slot, contact Support and attach relevant documents — we'll put together a claim for the insurance company so that you can receive compensation for your medical treatment.
Provide the following information to the operator for prompt resolution:
1. Your full name.
2. Your date of birth.
3. Phone number.
4. Brief description of the situation with photos and videos supporting your words.
5. Photo copy of the accident report.
Damaging other people's property on the slot
We know you're doing your best to deliver orders quickly, but please be careful and use caution.
If you accidentally damage someone else's property, stop and make sure no one's hurt.
You then need to sincerely apologize and offer help.
Contact the operator if necessary, we'll try to sort everything out.
Other issues
If you can't start a slot or continue working for another reason, contact an operator and briefly describe the situation.
Attach photos if needed.