In a restaurant
I got a big order
Thank you for accepting even such big orders. If the order prepared at the restaurant doesn't fit in the insulated bag, message the operator and send them the order number and a photo showing that the bag is full, but a portion of the order still doesn't fit in.
If you arrive at the destination but can't select the status, take the following steps:
I can't find the restaurant or I think it's closed
Verify in the app that the restaurant address is correct. See if there are any comments about the place: they may contain instructions on how to get to the restaurant and pick up the order.
If you've checked everything but still couldn't get to the restaurant, contact the operator, we'll sort this out together.
I can't reach the restaurant on the phone
If you can't get through to the restaurant staff, check the comments about the place: they may contain instructions and an up-to-date contact phone number.
If you've checked everything but still couldn't resolve the issue, contact the operator, we'll try to sort this out.
Restaurant won't give me the order
Sometimes it takes longer than usual for a restaurant to prepare and hand over the order to you — give them time.
If it's been more than 30 minutes since you were supposed to pick up the food, contact the operator.
If the restaurant changed the order status too soon, causing you to fail to deliver it on time, and then you saw "late delivery" in the report, fill out this form.
We'll try to respond and help you within 24 hours.