Search query analytics
Yandex.Webmaster helps you track statistics on the search queries for which your site is displayed in the Yandex search results. You can analyze statistics in different sections:
- Site status dynamics by search queries — on the Search query statistics page. You can manage the query set that you track: add queries, configure query groups.
- Status of the site pages displayed for the search queries — on the Page statistics in search results.
In your analysis, you can rely on the following indicators:
And on average metrics, for example, average position and average click position.
You can add other indicators to the report or build a report for each indicator separately. There can be six indicators in the report.
The increase in the indicator for the selected period is shown in green, and the decrease in red. The difference in numbers is calculated compared to the previous period.
Discrepancies in statistics
Data in Yandex.Webmaster may differ from Yandex.Wordstat and Yandex.Metrics. For example, services might record the click time differently (for clicks at 23:59). The time zone difference can be another reason for discrepancies.
Main reasons why the data in Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Wordstat may differ:
- Yandex.Webmaster counts impressions and clicks up to the 50th position, which is only a part of the data.
- The data may be displayed with a delay. For example, in Keyword Statistics, up to a month may pass between receiving the data and displaying it.
The data in Yandex.Webmaster is different from the data in Yandex.Metrica because Yandex.Webmaster only counts clicks from the search results. The Yandex.Metrica keywords report shows the sessions for these clicks. The number of clicks is not always equal to the number of sessions, since Yandex.Metrica might not count a click as a session. The main reasons for this:
- The site is unavailable when the link is clicked.
- The Yandex.Metrica tag is installed on the site incorrectly.
- There is no Yandex.Metrica tag on the page the user opens from the search results.
- The user's browser didn't download the code snippet fast enough.
- The Referer HTTP header is unavailable. It is impossible to count sessions from the search engine.
For more information about statistics, see the Yandex.Metrics Help.