Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a type of explicit search engine spam. This includes page text blocks with lengthy lists of search queries or meaningless and incoherent texts loaded with keywords. It's obvious that such lists and texts are useless to site visitors, so sites using them may be excluded from the search results.

Yandex detected that I have this violation. How do I fix it?

You should completely avoid using the techniques described above. Remove these elements or change them so that they're targeted at site users and benefit them. Make sure they aren't used to influence search engines.

After removing the search queries, you can use the I fixed it button on the Security and violations page in Yandex.Webmaster. The restrictions are usually lifted within a month after you clear the violation. If the restrictions are lifted, the violation mark will disappear.


You can click the I fixed it button again for the same site after a month. Further, this period is increased up to three months to avoid the button misuse. Therefore, we recommend using the button only when you are sure that there are no more violations on the site.

If multiple users have website management rights in Yandex.Webmaster, agree on who will send the website for re-checking and when. After clicking the button, none of the users will be able to click it again within a month.

I found no keyword stuffing on my site, do I need to click the button?

If you are completely sure that there is no such violation on your site, we recommend that you use the button.

There're tags on my site. Will the search robot treat them as spam?

If tags are placed on the site for the user's convenience and are part of site navigation or design, they won't be treated as spam. However, if the tags are of no use and are placed intentionally to influence search engines, then restrictions are possible.

Keywords are often repeated in my site's menu and catalog. Would this be considered spam?

The algorithm accounts for the situations in which repeated words may be appropriate and used for the convenience of site visitors. In such cases, this is not treated as a violation.

The violation mark disappeared, but my site pages are still not in the search. What should I do?

If the mark disappears, it means that our algorithms no longer find violations on the site's pages. In some cases, it may take some time for these changes to appear in the search. This usually happens after one or two search database updates, which takes about two weeks on average.