Context-sensitive help

Add site

When adding a site, specify the URL for accessing it: either with or without the www prefix, and over the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. You can copy the address from the browser.

If the site is a subdomain, add the primary domain and subdomain to the service separately. You can verify your rights to them with the same code.

The site added to Yandex.Webmaster must return the HTTP 200 OK status.

General information (Summary)

Brief information about errors, crawling of the website by the robot, page status in search statistics, and search query statistics.

My sites

This section shows the websites you added to Yandex.Webmaster. A summary of statistics on the website status in search is available if you verified your rights for website management.

Site diagnostics

If Yandex.Webmaster detects errors on the website, this information is shown in the section. The site is checked every day.

Information about errors doesn't affect website ranking or indexing, but we recommend fixing “Critical” and “Fatal” errors. Learn more

If you fixed an error, the message in Yandex.Webmaster disappears after the robot crawls your site.

You can subscribe to notifications to receive messages by email.

Pages in the search (menu section)

This section shows the website pages included in Yandex search results.

A page may be missing from the search results if it duplicates the content of another page, contains spam or viruses, redirects to another URL, or if there was a downloading error.

Even if the pages have been indexed and included in the search immediately after publication, the data in Yandex.Webmaster may be updated with a delay. Usually, it takes a few days for the changes to appear.

Learn more

How do I exclude pages from the search?

How do I speed up indexing of site pages?

Check URL status

You can check if the robot knows about a website page if you verified your rights to the website.

In the URL field, you can enter the full URL or the relative path from the website root beginning with “/”.

The collection and processing of information usually takes up to 2 minutes. Sometimes it may take several hours. As soon as the system finishes processing the data, the report status switches to “Ready”.

Even if the pages have been indexed and included in the search immediately after publication, the data in Yandex.Webmaster may be updated with a delay. Usually, it takes a few days for the changes to appear.

What is an HTTP status?

Important pages

You can track how Yandex indexes the most important website pages and the most popular pages recommended by Yandex.Webmaster. Learn more

To be informed about changes by email, configure notifications.


Sitemap files

Add the Sitemap file to Yandex.Webmaster to speed up website indexing.

Check the new Sitemap file before adding it.

To notify Yandex about changes in the file, click the icon.

Check the Sitemap file before adding it to Yandex.Webmaster.

Site region

This section contains information about the region set for the website. Region changes take effect after they are verified and the search database is updated.

How do I set the site region correctly?

Search queries

This section contains statistics on search queries that are available in the Managing query groups section. Learn more

How do I get data for a certain query?

Why do statistics in Yandex.Webmaster differ from data in other Yandex services?

The section shows the search queries that the website is in the first 50 positions of Yandex search results for. The indicators are averaged over the past 7 days. Learn more

How do I add my own queries?

Why do statistics in Yandex.Webmaster differ from data in other Yandex services?

Robots.txt analysis

Check if the robots.txt file is formed correctly. The Results of robots.txt analysis section lists the directives for the robot to take into account when indexing the website.

To check if indexing certain pages is allowed or prohibited, enter the pages in the URL list field.

You can also track changes to robots.txt and download a version of the file.

Server response check

Find out if the website is available for Yandex robots.

The robots use different user agents. To determine which robot accesses your website, check its User-agent line in the server logs.

List of Yandex bots

Page reindexing

The section helps notify Yandex about new and updated pages. Once you send the page addresses you can view their statuses:

“In queue”: The page has been sent to the robot for crawling. The request will be processed within 3 days.

“Crawled”: The page was crawled by the robot. The page information will be updated in the search within 2 weeks.

“Error”: The robot couldn't access the page.

Turbo pages

In this section, you can manage the Turbo pages on your site. They can be formed in different ways.

RSS feed description

Yandex Turbo Pages API

In this section, you can add general information about a site that Turbo pages are generated for.

If the data source doesn't contain information about statistics tags or advertising systems, you can add it in this section. If you specified information in the data source and in the interface, the data in the source takes priority.

In this section you can manage Turbo pages of your online store. To generate Turbo pages, use a YML file that meets the Yandex.Market requirements. Learn more in the instructions for turning on Turbo pages.


You can use notifications to monitor the site status in the search results. Use these settings to change how you receive notifications or choose a set of notifications that differs from the general settings. To receive messages by email, don't forget to specify the email address.

Learn more about setting up notifications

You can use notifications to monitor the site status in the search results. These settings apply to all sites you added to Yandex.Webmaster, if their settings aren't changed.

To receive messages by email, don't forget to specify the email address.

Learn more about setting up notifications

Debugging Turbo pages

Debugging helps you quickly check the contents of the data source and fix errors found.

Troubleshooting Turbo content

The text isn't divided into paragraphs

The text content of the page in the turbo:content element isn't divided into paragraphs. It makes the text less readable for users.

Use the p element to divide the page text into paragraphs where appropriate.

HTML elements in the text specified incorrectly

Required elements inside the turbo:content element are missing.

Check that the turbo:content element contains all elements needed to generate the Turbo version, and the CDATA tag contains text.

Unable to download image

When generating the Turbo version, the robot failed to load the specified image.

Make sure that the image is available and responds with the 200 OK code. Relative links to images must be changed to absolute links, indicating the site address and the protocol. For example, img src="".

Encoded characters are found

Encoded characters were found in the [CDATA[]] tag.

You shouldn't encode the characters inside [CDATA[]]. Replace the encoded characters with unencoded ones in your RSS feed.

Link in another RSS

The page data is sent in multiple RSS feeds.

In Turbo pages → Sources in Yandex.Webmaster, disable duplicate RSS feeds.

Invalid header

The h1 element isn't specified or is specified incorrectly.

Make sure that the correct h1 heading is passed in the RSS feed for this page. This heading is required and can't be empty.

Required attribute formaction not specified

The RSS feed uses the button element for which the formaction attribute isn't specified.

Add the required attribute according to the documentation.


The URL contains the link to the product page and the offer ID. Learn more

Titles and descriptions

This section helps you check if the title element and the description meta tag on the pages of your website are unique. The data is displayed if the title or description is duplicated on many pages of the website. The information is updated after the robot visits the pages.

Quality indicators

This section contains general information about SQI and badges available for your site. This information shows you how useful the site is for visitors. You can also compare your site data with the data from other sites.