Collaboration with the self-employed


The information in this section is intended for individuals. If you are an individual entrepreneur and work under the self-employment tax, make sure to read the information outlined in Cooperation with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Individuals can work with the Yandex Advertising Network as self-employed. The main advantages of this taxation status are:

  • Increased payments due to reduced taxes: you have the reduced self-employment tax rate of 6% instead of the 13% personal income tax.
  • Assistance with tax reporting and declaring your income from the partner network. Yandex Advertising Network will generate receipts and report your income information to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Partners must monitor the timely and accurate generation of documents and pay their taxes.
  • You can work another job while still receiving income from the Yandex Advertising Network.
  • Self-employed don't have to make fixed payments for their pension insurance and are free to choose how much of their money goes towards their future pension.

Registering as self-employed


You can become self-employed one day after registering in the Yandex Advertising Network.

To become a self-employed partner in the Advertising Network:

  1. In the partner interface menu, open the Documents section and click Become self-employed in the Switch to self-employed form widget.

  2. Check the instructions on the Register as self-employed screen. Click Accept.

  3. Log in and register as self-employed in the taxpayer's personal account on or in the “Moi Nalog” app. Make sure you register with the same INN that is specified in the Advertising Network application.

  4. Go back to the Yandex Advertising Network partner interface and click Continue. We will review your self-employment in the Federal Tax Service using the INN you specified in the application and send a partnership request from the Advertising Network.

  5. Log in to your taxpayer's personal account or the “Moi Nalog” app, go to Settings, and open the Partners tab. Click “Confirm”. The Advertising Network will appear in the connected partners tab.

  6. Go back to the Yandex Advertising Network partner interface and click Check. After the partnership request is successfully verified, a message will appear that you are working with the Advertising Network as self-employed. Now you don't have to submit any reports to the Federal Tax Service for the income you receive from the Advertising Network. Your income is recorded in the mobile app automatically. You only need to pay a monthly 6% tax.


After accepting the offer, you'll be registered as a self-employed partner within three business days.

If you see an error message when registering as self-employed and you need some assistance, contact our support service.

If you stop meeting the requirements associated with the self-employed taxation system, you will still be able to resume working with the Advertising Network as a self-employed individual the following calendar month.

Remuneration payment

Self-employed receive their rewards in Russian rubles no more than once a month as stipulated in the offer. Remuneration is paid upon reaching the minimum of 3000 rubles:

  • If you reach this amount in the current month, your remuneration will be paid within 20 business days of the following month.

  • If you don't reach this amount in the current month, your revenue for this month will be combined with the revenue for the following months until the threshold is reached. You will then receive your remuneration within 20 business days of the following month.

Before filling out payment details and accepting the Yandex Advertising Network offer, a future partner granted a test period to configure and test the ad code. For more information, see Test period.

Accounting documents

If your revenue exceeded the threshold during the current month, you will receive the work completion certificate via email at the start of the next month. If you found any mistakes in the certificate, please specify them in your response by email. After that, all the documents will be available in the Yandex Advertising Network interface on the Documents page.

If your revenue doesn't exceed the threshold in the current month, the certificate isn't generated.

Changing payment methods

To change bank details to receive remuneration, go to Settings → Banking details in the Yandex Advertising Network interface and update the information. You don't need to change the bank name manually: when the BIC/SWIFT is changed, the name automatically changes in the system.

If you are a Yandex Games partner and need to change your banking details, please contact support.

Taxes and fees

Self-employed individuals must pay a 6% income tax by themselves. They must pay the tax by the 25th day of each month. Yandex Advertising Network helps you manage your accounting. All receipts and bills are generated automatically based on the income of the previous month and sent to the Moi Nalog app. You can also pay the tax via that app. If you can't find a receipt or believe your document contains an error, please contact us.

Why do I have to pay a 6% tax and not a 4% tax?

The Yandex Advertising Network is a legal entity. Self-employed who provide services to a legal entity must pay the 6% tax.

Terminating your self-employed status


If you decline the rights of Yandex in your taxpayer account or the “Moi Nalog” app, or terminate your self-employed status, you will receive remuneration as an individual with a 13% tax rate.

I want to opt out of the self-employed taxation system

Here is how you can opt out:

I want to continue my partnership as an individual

Open your taxpayer's personal account or the Moi Nalog app, go to Settings → Partners → Connected, find Yandex, and click Disconnect.

You can become a self-employed partner of the Yandex Advertising Network again the next calendar month.

Change of collaboration format initiated by Yandex

If, for any reason, the self-employed status is no longer applicable to you and you have transitioned to collaborate with Yandex as an individual, we will prepare an Additional Agreement to the contract and notify you.

You could have transitioned to a new tax regime because:

  • You denied Yandex rights in your Federal Tax Service account.
  • You canceled your registration as a self-employed taxpayer.
  • You exceeded the income threshold for self-employed individuals of 2.4 million rubles a year.

To continue the partnership, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Continue operating under the contract as an individual with the personal income tax deducted at the current rate. Yandex remits social contributions to the funds on your behalf.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur and work under contracts with legal entities and other individual entrepreneurs. You have to pay all the taxes and fees by yourself.

If none of these options suit you, you may terminate the contract.

Terminating the agreement

The contract can be terminated. In that case, impressions on your resources connected to the Yandex Advertising Network will be suspended. As soon as the contract is terminated, you will no longer receive income from ads on your resources.

Terminate contract


A new contract can be concluded no earlier than one day after the old one is terminated.

Russia Individuals | Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs | Self-employed

Belarus Individuals | Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Ukraine Individuals | Legal entities

Other countries Individuals | Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

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