
The product allows you to test videos at stage zero, while they are still in production. This helps evaluate the effectiveness of videos in advance and to refine them before launching an ad if you need to.

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How it works

Tolokers are engaged as respondents. Respondents watch the video and note each contact with the brand. You can see the results in the statistics under Brand visibility scale.

After viewing, users answer 13 questions about the video, rating it on a 7-point scale. Sample questions: “Has the ad convinced you that the brand can make your life easier?”; “Was this video entertaining?”. You can see these ratings in the statistics in the Video rating section.

Then users rate their overall impression of the video on a 7-point scale. This indicator is used to calculate “importance for the consumer”: it indicates how the rating for each specific criteria affected the overall impression of the creative.

Each video has an overall rating (an index). It combines all the rating criteria, accounting for their importance to the user. We show the index and ratings according to individual criteria compared to your competitors: above, below, or at the market level.

What result you'll get

Based on the results of the test, you will get:

  • Summary index: Rating of your video in the context of importance for the consumer, on a 7-point scale.

  • Video rating according to 13 criteria: for example, evaluating music in the video.

  • Brand visibility scale: Shows the seconds during which consumers recognized your brand when watching the video.

  • Recommendations on how to improve the creative.

Learn more about the results.

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