Creating and paying for testing


Only respondents from Russia take part in testing surveys, but you can pay for the test in rubles, Belarusian rubles, or tenge.

To create a survey, log in to your Yandex account. If you don't have one, register.

  1. Open the Video tests section and click Launch test.

  2. Upload a video or add it from YouTube.

  3. Specify the brand that's advertised in the video and select the market for comparison.

  4. Select the survey audience based on the set criteria. There are two options:

    Standard targetings

    Set up the audience using one of the parameters:
    • Gender and age.

    • Interests.

    • By quotas.

    • Geography.

    Additional targetings

    Select regions of Russia, gender, and age. Set up the audience using the following parameters:
    • Children.

    • Marital status.

    • Car.

    • Household.

    We'll select respondents from certified online panels. These are sites where people register to take surveys for a fee and where the result quality is monitored using the international ESOMAR standard.

    If you couldn't find the right audience, contact the Yandex Surveys manager. They'll help you set up individual targetings.

  5. Enter the number of respondents, fill out response options for questions about the video and the brand, and specify whether you need to rate the characters and the plot. If necessary, add up to three questions about consumer experience and preferences.

  6. Click Run.

  7. Choose a payment method and make a payment.

    You can pay for each testing separately, or you can top up your wallet in advance and pay using the wallet balance.

    Using the wallet is convenient if you intend to run multiple tests:

    • When launching testing, you won't need to wait until the amount is credited to the account: with your wallet topped up in advance, you'll already have the required amount at the time of payment.

    • Using the wallet is easier and faster because you don't have to enter your payment details every time.

    Paying for a survey individually
    Pay as an individual

    7.1. Click Pay.

    7.2. Enter the payment details and click Next.

    7.3. Enter your bank card details and click Pay.

    7.4. Confirm the payment.

    7.1. Click Pay as legal entity. You will be taken to the payment page.

    7.2. Pay the invoice in any way that's convenient.

    Payment using the Wallet

    7.1. Top up your Wallet. In the upper-right corner, click on the button that displays the Wallet balance.

    You can make a payment as an individual or as a legal entity generating an invoice.

    7.1.1. Click Top up as legal entity. You will be taken to the payment page.

    7.1.2. Top up your account in any way that's convenient.

    Top up as an individual

    7.1.1. Click Top up.

    7.1.2. Enter the payment details and click Next.

    7.1.3. Enter your bank card details and click Pay.

    7.1.4. Confirm the payment.

    7.2. On the survey page, click Run and select Pay for the survey with your wallet.

    7.3. Click Pay.

  8. The video will be submitted for moderation. The check takes no more than one business day.

    At this step, the status of your video is shown as Under moderation.

  9. When it passes moderation, the survey will start and you will begin to get responses. The status of the survey will change to Active.

  10. When all the responses have been collected, you'll see the results on your account page.


All the videos that you've tested and uploaded are stored in the Video tests section. You can switch between all videos and rated videos.

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