(1) Weekend warriors’ – those who get all (THEY) ________ exercise in one session at the weekend – get almost as
(MANY) ________ benefit from it as (PERSON) ________ who exercise throughout the week, according to research published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
(2) The study, (USE) ________ data from 63,000 adults in Britain over the age of 40, found that both groups lowered their
risk of death by similar amounts.
(3) Those who spend at least 150 minutes a week doing moderate exercise, or 75 minutes a week doing vigorous
exercise, (FIND) ________ to have a 35 per cent lower risk of death over an 18-year period than inactive adults.
(4) Men and (WOMAN) ________ benefited equally, according to the study.
(5) Gary O’Donovan, the lead author, said: ‘Weekend warriors are those who meet the recommended volume of
physical activity each week through only one or two sessions. (6) They are doing a large proportion of vigorous
exercise and that (MAKE) ________ them (FIT) ________ than moderate exercise does’.
(7) In that case it’s safe to say: the (LITTLE) ________ exercise you do, the more it matters.