(1) Acupuncture is based on the idea that energy flows through the human body along 12 lines or meridians. (2) These
meridians end up at organs in the body, and (ILL)________ is the result of a blockage of the energy flow to these
organs. (3) To remove the blockage, an acupuncturist inserts very fine needles into the body at points along the
meridians. (4) This stimulates the flow of energy, and restores the patient’s health.
(5) What is the history of acupuncture? (6) Traditional Chinese (MEDICAL)________ has been practised for around 3000 years
in the Far East, but is relatively recent in the West, and acupuncture only really became well-known in the West in
the 1970s as people began to travel more (FREQUENT)________ between the two areas of the world.
(7) A significant event in the history of acupuncture came in 1971, when a (JOURNAL)________ from the New York Times
had his appendix removed in China, when on a trip to the country with Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State for
the USA.
(8) Surgeons used acupuncture to deaden the pain of the (OPERATE)________, which greatly impressed Kissinger.
(9) Although at first doctors in the West were often sceptical of the medical value of acupuncture, in the last few
years it has become more established as an alternative to Western medical treatments, since (CLINIC)________ tests
have shown that acupuncture is effective for a number of conditions.