Личный кабинет


Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).
There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. to relax from the tension of homework or tests
  2. . showing up to play for them
  3. like a jigsaw puzzle
  4. to be completely objective
  5. lacking a music program
  6. holding my saxophone
  7. like a fish at the end of a line

Music for the Soul

It is impossible for me (A) when it comes to the subject of music or the music program in school. I have been in my school’s band since I was in the sixth grade. The unity and structure of the music caught my ear and pulled me in (B). I was interested in how so many instruments could all have different parts and still fit together (C). I toyed with the thought of playing multiple instruments before I decided to follow my big brother’s footsteps and invest in a saxophone. Six years have passed since (D)for the first time and I still enjoy playing.

Although I do view my school as a very fun and exciting place with eccentric teachers and great students, I would not enjoy it if it was (E). For the people in a band, music class is an escape from the math, English, and science classes they take every day. Music is a way for students (F). As a music fan, I sleep, read, and do homework better when there is music constantly playing in the background.

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