Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits
the text best.
Do Unborn Babies Know They're in There?
(1)(THANK) ________, no ‒ if you knew you were in there, it would be kind of scary for nine
months. (2)The foetus is growing, of course, but the frontal lobe of our brain ‒ which
gives us emotion and self-(RECOGNISE) ________ ‒ develops very slowly.
(3)Even until (ADULT), the frontal lobe isn't fully developed: that's (PART) ________ why we
sometimes see bad judgment in teenagers. (4)Foetuses do all sorts of exploring
(BEHAVE) ________ in the womb.
(5)They run their hands along the inside of the womb, they feel their own feet and
their faces, and they put their hands in their mouths. (6)(STUDY) ________ have also shown
that a newborn infant will recognise its mother's voice compared to a stranger's
voice and will also recognise its native language versus a foreign one.
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Преобразуйте слово (BEHAVE) в предложении (4) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Показать разбор и ответ
«Foetuses do all sorts of exploring … in the womb» Плод выполняет все виды ЧЕГО?
исследовательского поведения в утробе. Итак, от данного глагола behave (вести
себя) следует образовать существительное behaviour (поведение).
Ответ: behaviour
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