Личный кабинет

Задание 16. Выделение информации в прочитанном тексте: все задания

1. Задание#T27656

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The start of my music career

It was Sunday morning and I was still in bed. I was in the habit of sleeping till late on Sundays as it was my only day off. Right, I had to go to school six days a week and that was awfully unfair. My friend George had all the weekends for himself, only because his parents were more relaxed about his education than my parents were. They sent him to a less prestigious school and George had less homework but more time for hanging around with other guys and playing the guitar.

I felt envious of George and deeply hurt as my mum often praised him for his musical hobby. She reproached me for my lack of interest in anything but it wasn’t lack of interest, it was lack of time! Didn’t I tell you I had only Sundays to relax?

Relaxing was my plan for that Sunday too, but the noise and loud voices in the living room made me fully awake.

‘Here, a bit to the right. It will be convenient for Andrew to practice here.’

‘Right, and we can arrange his concerts here.’

‘No-no! Now to the left, closer to the wall.’

Then there were some scratching sounds as if someone was moving furniture. I got out of the bed and headed to the living room.

There was a large black piano there. My dad, mum and two unknown men were pushing it, trying to squeeze it between the window and the cupboard.

‘Oh, you are just in time, Andrew,’ said my dad. ‘I never had an opportunity to learn to play music. But it's always been my dream. Now you’ll make it come true.’

‘It’s your dream, not mine,’ I wanted to reply but didn’t say anything.

The music teacher came at ten. He was a small grey man with small grey eyes. He was wearing a grey suit and a grey hat. He spoke in a quiet voice. The man looked harmless but I understood that he would ruin my Sundays forever.

The teacher talked about famous pianists and composers and about how much I should practice.

I listened to him and invented all sorts of plans of how I could escape his lessons. To explain to my parents that music was not my passion? To refuse to take lessons? To get sick? The most reliable idea was to break the instrument. But how could I do it?

When the lesson was over, my mum came into the room. She looked so happy that I didn’t dare to tell her anything about my feelings.

‘Oh, Andrew, I’m so proud of you! I believe that you’ve got a gift for music. And we'd like to celebrate the beginning of your music career. Tonight we are going to the concert hall and you’ll hear the best samples of classical music. You need to be dressed up and ready to go by 6pm.’

She carefully put three tickets on the black, polished piano lid.

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Andrew’s parents were going to take him to a concert that night.

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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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2. Задание#T27632

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Circus story

I was almost late for school. I rushed into my class when the bell was ringing loudly.

To my surprise, Laura was not in the classroom yet. Laura was a newcomer in the class. She joined us at the beginning of that year and nobody knew where she had gone to school before. She was a quiet red-haired girl, very serious and hardworking. Nobody knew her ever to fail to do her homework. Why wasn’t she at school now?

Though we were not very close friends, I decided to drop into her house on my way home. It was a small brick house at the corner of the street. Laura’s family rented it when they moved to our town. — A slim, elderly lady in a jumper and sports trousers opened the door. I explained to her who I was and she smiled warmly. She told me that Laura had got a bad cold but would be happy to see me, and showed me into her room.

Laura's cheeks were a bit red with fever but she was really glad to see me. We talked for a long time and I found out a lot about her and her family.

The lady who let me into the house was Laura’s grandmother. Laura told me that when her granny was young, she worked in a circus. In fact, she started working there when she was six. Her mum and dad were acrobats and they took her into their performance. The public liked the cute little girl, and Amy (yes, the elderly lady was just Amy at that time) enjoyed wearing glittering costumes and getting applause. What she didn’t like was wearing a wig and a clown costume, but her parents often got her to take part in her twin brothers’ clown performance.

‘I really can’t understand why she hated it so much. She looked so pretty in that outfit, didn’t she?’ commented Laura and showed me an old photo of a small girl with painted freckles and a red wig that covered half of her face.

‘She probably worried that her classmates would make fun of her,’ I suggested. ‘You know how cruel kids can be sometimes…’

‘Yes, I know,’ said Laura and her smile faded as if it recalled some bad memories. ‘But my granny was a homeschooler. The circus travelled all over the country and even abroad. They never stayed in one place for a long time and she could not attend school. She learned at home. Or, should I say, in a caravan because they all lived and travelled in a caravan.’

‘It was exciting, I guess,’ I said. ‘But not easy.’

‘Oh, yes, it was difficult but her parents, brothers and the other circus people helped her. Granny was good at languages. Her co-workers came from different countries and taught her their languages. Travelling and communicating with people is good language practice, isn’t it?…’

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Laura’s grandmother could speak five languages.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not stated
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3. Задание#T7174

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Distant relatives?

My brother Neil is only seven. Like all small kids he’s got lots of interests and hobbies which never last long. Neil may get overexcited about cartoon characters and ask mum to buy him the toys, books about them, or even pyjamas with his favourite pictures of them. In a couple of weeks, however, his interest usually shifts to another character and everything starts again from the beginning.

A few weeks ago, Neil got crazy about dinosaurs. Actually, it came like the chicken pox – all of a sudden, all the kids in his class became obsessed with the ancient reptiles and started to collect anything and everything connected with them. Surprisingly, their interest was not shallow. They researched the topic and were very surprised to find out that the descendants of the dinosaurs still live around us. One day, when Neil and a bunch of his friends were studying pictures of the prehistoric monsters, one of the boys said that the deinonychus from their book reminded him of our parrot Bibi.

Neil was struck by these words. It was not easy for him to accept the idea that the deinonychus and our cheerful and sociable pet may have something in common.

At home Neil watched the parrot for a while, comparing the form of the body, the claws on the feet, and the beak with the picture in his book. Obviously feeling impressed by some unexpected discoveries, Neil decided to dig deeper.

Later in the evening my little brother presented us with a lot of information about that type of dinosaurs which, I have to admit it, was absolutely new to me. Thanks to Neil, I learnt that deinonychuses lived more than 100 million years ago and were relatively small dinosaurs – they could grow up to 3.5 metres long. The scientific name deinonychus means terrible claw. The claws on their feet looked really terrifying, as well as their teeth. Those dinosaurs were cruel and very skilled hunters. No animal in the prehistoric forest could escape the awful predators. They attacked even the dinosaurs that were much larger in size.

With their huge and sharp claws, deinonychuses were able to climb trees. They also had a long tail that helped them to keep balance and was flexible enough to bend from side to side.

‘And how about the feathers?’ asked dad, definitely intrigued by Neil’s passionate presentation. ‘Did that dinosaur have any feathers, like a bird?’

‘I don’t know yet,’ Neil answered earnestly. ‘I think the feathers appeared later and it learnt to fly. But I’m not sure and want to search the internet. Can I use your computer tomorrow, Daddy?’

Dad hesitated and then said: ‘Well, I’m not sure…’

‘Please…’ added Neil in a quiet, polite voice.

‘Please!’ repeated Bibi in a husky and demanding voice.
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Deinonychus laid eggs like birds.
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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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4. Задание#T7149

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How to change your dream job

Jack is an old friend of mine and he is a professional traveller. He works for a tourist company, travels around the world stays in different hotels. While in the hotel, Jack should form an opinion about the location, surroundings and the services there. He pays attention to every detail and writes reports about all this to his office in Poland. Thanks to the internet, the people in the office instantly get his reports and recommend or don’t recommend the hotel to their customers. Jack also runs a blog for travellers where he posts photos and videos, and shares his impressions and experience with his readers.

Though Jack writes mostly in English, sometimes he has to work with ads, posts and comments in Polish. When that happens, he comes to me for help. In fact, Jack is very good at languages, which is one of his essential professional skills, but Polish has always been a problem for him. He says that the West Slavic languages are the most difficult ones and they should be learned in early childhood. An adult without any Slavic roots has no chance to learn them and that is why Jack has never really tried. I can’t say I agree with such a categorical statement, but it’s his personal opinion.

Every time, when I help Jack to understand the tricky Polish texts, he shares a lot of information about his job. Officially, Jack’s position is "travel advisor" and he insists that his job is very stressful and demanding! Indeed, he has to fly a lot. And though he usually feels OK on board a plane, frequent flights are very tiresome. He said that when he travelled to Australia last month, he had awful jet lag and was unable to work for two days after his arrival back in Europe.

There is another thing that makes Jack feel unhappy with his job. That thing is that a few years ago Jack got married and now the couple have a baby son. Jack feels that he would like to spend more time at home. His frequent trips do not bring him as much joy as they used to and he is considering quitting his dream job.

Last time I saw him, Jack was talking about starting his own business. He mentioned that, before he was employed in tourism, he had wanted to be a photographer. Photography has always had a special place in his heart. While a small boy, Jack enjoyed taking photos of nature and pets. And as a teenager, he participated in different contests and was awarded a few prizes.

‘People still say I have a unique vision and the photos I take are somehow special. They are probably just flattering, but why not give myself a second chance? What do you think?’ Jack asked me, obviously looking for encouragement.

‘To tell the truth, I can’t see anything wrong with it,’ I answered. ‘You can set up your own photo studio and I’ll be your first client. But…’ here I pulled out my phone and pointed to a list of professional photography courses on the screen, ‘a professional photography certificate will make it easier. Certificates always attract clients and when you have none...’

‘Right,’ Jack nodded in agreement, ‘Taking a course is a good idea.’ And we both leaned over the screen studying the suggested options.
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Jack has never had any other hobby apart from travelling.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not stated
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5. Задание#T7124

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Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is known all over the world. Even those who understand nothing or very little about astrophysics, theoretical physics, or any sort physics at all know his name. A great scientist and celebrity, Stephen Hawking is the author of a number of books where he explains the principles of the universe in the easiest possible way. The easy explanation and the author’s excellent writing skills made the books bestsellers at once.

Along with his exciting discoveries in the sphere of black holes, relativity, quantum mechanics and others, Stephen Hawking’s life is something amazing too! He can be called an example of courage and willpower.

Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford in 1942. Both his parents were Oxford University graduates, and their children’s education was a priority in the family. In fact, Stephen didn’t perform as a particularly bright boy in his early years. However, later, science subjects captured his interest and his academic results were more impressive. He became a student of University College in Oxford and found the academic work there not difficult at all. He felt a bit bored but enjoyed his life as a student - he loved parties, music, and science fiction. He joined the College Boat Club and was a member of the rowing crew. Stephen successfully completed his course in Oxford and switched to Cambridge to study for his PhD.

At the age of 21, when a Cambridge student, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with a serious disease, ALS, which was due to some genetic mutations. In simple terms, the nerves that controlled his muscles failed to work and he was losing control over his body. Even now, the origin of the disease is unclear and there is no cure for it. The doctors informed Stephen that he would live two and a half years at most. In a sense, the tragic news got him to make a sort of revision of his life. He realised that he probably would not have enough time to earn his PhD and he focused on his studies and research. He worked passionately and his growing physical disability seemed only to enhance the power of his intellect.

Stephen’s wife, Jane, a language student who he married in 1965, supported him a lot. She typed and edited Stephen Hawking’s academic works, helped him during his conferences, and managed his medical procedures. Along with that, Mrs. Hawking took care of their three children and had her own career.

In spite of the doctors’ verdict, Stephen Hawking lived until 2018, when he died at the age of 76. For decades he was confined to a wheelchair, but travelled, worked for the most prestigious universities and even planned to go to space. He lost the ability to speak but easily communicated through a computer using a speech generating device. His super intellect made the greatest contribution to science ever. Till the very last days he worked and his final research was published in May 2018, shortly after his death. Indeed, Stephen Hawking is thought to be one of the greatest minds in physics since Albert Einstein.

Stephen Hawking defined his life purpose like this: ‘My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.’
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Stephen Hawking chose a voice with an American accent to talk through his computer.
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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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6. Задание#T7098

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Jules Verne

In the small French town of Nantes, there is a house which is very popular with tourists. Some people specially take a trip from Paris to Nantes in order to see it. Those people love literature, and they are definitely fans of adventure and science fiction genres. In 1828, Jules Verne, a famous French writer, who actually pioneered the science fiction genre, was born in that house.

Jules Verne is often called an author before his time. Amazingly, in his books he gave detailed descriptions of submarines and bathyscaphes, different flying machines from balloons to spaceships. Jules Verne wrote even about landing on the moon. His novel From the Earth to the Moon (1865) surprisingly resembled the real Apollo program that happened in 1972, more than 100 years after publishing the book. In Jules Verne’s version three astronauts were launched to the moon from a large cannon in Florida. It was very close to the place where the real Space Centre would be constructed later and from where the three Apollo astronauts would start their trip to the moon.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is probably the most famous and captivating book by the author. It was published in two volumes - one was released in 1868, and the other in 1870. It tells us a fascinating story of Professor Pierre Aronnax, his servant, and a Canadian harpooner Ned Land. The three characters, who had such different views and values, joined an expedition to hunt a deep sea monster, which was a threat to navigation in the area. The monster turned out to be a submarine. During the battle, the Professor, his servant, and the harpooner fell into the sea. They didn’t drown but became guests and prisoners of Captain Nemo. The mysterious captain was the owner and the inventor of the submarine. The adventurous characters (and the readers of the book too!) were lucky to see the mysterious underwater world and the technological wonders on board the submarine.

Another extremely popular novel, Around the World in Eighty Days, was written in 1872. It is an adventure story about a very resourceful Englishman, Phileas Fogg. He made a bet that he would travel around the globe in less than eighty days and he won it! The book became extremely popular due to the exciting narration. Around the World in Eighty Days was successfully staged in the theatre during the author’s lifetime. This certainly made Jules Verne very happy as he was very fond of the theatre and started his career as a playwright. The book probably also signalled the coming era of global tourism, when technological innovations would enable people to reach remote destinations in a short time.

Jules Verne’s father was a lawyer and had his own law practice in Nantes. He wanted his son to take up the family business and sent him to Paris to study law. Jules Verne was a good student and successfully graduated in 1851. He, however, rejected the idea of any career in law. He believed he could gain success only in literature and he was right about that. His books brought him fame and fortune - they sold well in France and abroad. Jules Verne was one of the most translated authors in the world, along with William Shakespeare and Agatha Christie.
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Around the World in Eighty Days was performed in the theatre.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not stated
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