Личный кабинет

Задание 5. ОГЭ-2017 - Задание 5: все задания

1. Задание#T12712

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Teaching English online/by phone or by Skype is a relatively new and exciting way to learn and teach English. It can only grow as technology improves and the busy professional wakes up to the fact they can have lessons at a time to suit them, from the office or on the move. For the teacher, this flexibility means you can choose your hours — and even set up on your own.

You will generally need a headset, microphone, reliable broadband and skype/MSN or other VoIP (internet phone) capacity. Some organisations also like you to have a webcam as well, so it will help if you have an up to date PC and someone to help you with the technical side if you are not a computer whizz.

You'll find that students like you to have a nice voice and a friendly manner. Some of the teaching is conversational in nature, so being genuinely interested in your students is important. You may find it beneficial to have a specialisation in TESOL, such as Teaching Business English or teaching One-to-One to differentiate yourself and make yourself more marketable in this arena.

You will certainly earn more than if you work for an online English school but finding paying students can be more difficult. To start, get involved in Skype forums: try typing “Skype forums learn English” into Google to see how others are teaching and learning English via Skype. In this case, some are teaching for free but it doesn’t last long.

Although India was once a part of the British Empire, Britain now looks to India for educational help. Indian tutors are helping British children learn maths over high-speed Internet connections.

One of the first schools to adopt such a form of teaching is Ashmount Primary School in London. When pupils get ready for their maths lesson they sit in front of a computer, put on their headphones, log on to the Internet and listen to the instructions of their tutors, who are thousands of miles away in India. With the help of an interactive whiteboard teachers and pupils can write and read information at the same time.

Not everyone is in favour of online tutoring. As a representative of Britain’s trade union for teachers suggests, there is no emotional relationship between teachers and pupils. Parents don’t seem to mind. They are pleased with the results and happy seeing their children get better at maths.

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The most important subjects taught via the Internet are foreign languages.
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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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Это задание решали 90 раз. С ним справились 66% пользователей.

2. Задание#T12571

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Chloe arrived home from school, made herself a cup of coffee and went to her bedroom. She had homework to do, but it could wait for later. She wanted to enjoy the quiet time before her parents arrived home and filled the house with the sounds of conversation, television and her dad's favourite jazz music.

She liked this time of day too because she could play with her pet rats. Yes, that's right, pet rats! Chloe has got two of them, Zena and Roxy. Chloe knows they're not typical pets and she knows most people think rats are dirty. She didn't like rats either till her friend Martin invited her to his house one day and showed her his pet rats. When she played with them and held a rat in her hands for the first time, she saw how affectionate and intelligent they were. Last year, when one of Martin's rats had babies, Chloe decided she'd like to take two of them.

It wasn't easy to persuade Mum and Dad. But fortunately, a good school report arrived just before Chloe's birthday and her parents were in a good mood. When Mum asked Chloe what she wanted for her birthday, Chloe told her she'd like a pair of rats. 'Rats? Are you serious?' asked Mum, and then Chloe told her about Martin and the baby rats. 'Give me five minutes,' said Chloe’s mum. 'I'm going to phone Martin's parents.' It had been the longest five minutes of Chloe's life, but finally Mum came back into the kitchen, smiled and said, 'Yes, alright. You can have two rats, but ...' (with mothers, there's always a 'but'!) '... they must live in your room and can never go to other parts of the house, especially not the kitchen'.

Chloe was delighted, and two days later they went to Martin's house to collect Roxy and Zena.

In her room, Chloe opened the cage. First she picked up Roxy and put her on the floor. Then she picked up Zena and put her on her shoulder. Roxy loved to explore. She climbed bookcases and drawers and went under Chloe's bed. Zena was quieter and liked sitting on Chloe's shoulder while she messaged her friends or read a book.

A while later, there was a knock at the door. 'Hi, Chloe,' called Mum. 'Are you there?'

'Yes, Mum,' said Chloe. 'Come in.'

'I'm going to my aerobics class. I'll be back about seven o'clock. Dad's on his way home. He's making pasta tonight.'

'OK, Mum. See you later', Chloe replied.

Mum closed the door. Chloe put Zena back in her cage and called for Roxy. 'Roxy?' said Chloe. 'Roxy, where are you?' Roxy usually came when Chloe said her name. Chloe waited a moment and then started to look for her. Where could Roxy be? She must be in Chloe's room somewhere. Then Chloe remembered that Mum had opened the door. Roxy might have gone out of the room then and now she could be anywhere in the house.

Chloe started to search. She looked in her parents' room and the bathroom but Roxy wasn't there. Next, she went downstairs. On the way, she had a sudden panic. What if Roxy had climbed into the washing machine? And what if Mum had turned it on with Roxy inside? Chloe ran the last few steps to the kitchen and was happy to see the washing machine door was open and Roxy wasn't inside. Then Chloe searched the kitchen, opening drawers and cupboards, calling Roxy's name the whole time.

When Dad came, Chloe explained him that she had lost Roxy. So, Chloe and her dad looked all over the house but they couldn't find Roxy anywhere. When she was searching her room for the third time, Chloe heard a key in the door and Mum calling, 'It's me, I'm home'.

'Oh, no!' thought Chloe. 'Mum's going to be angry.' She decided to stay in her room and let Dad tell Mum about Roxy. Then she heard Dad laughing and Mum called out, 'Chloe, come downstairs'.

Chloe went downstairs and there was Mum with a smile on her face and Roxy on her shoulder. 'Oh, Mum, you found her!' said Chloe. 'Where was she?'

'When I arrived at the gym,' said Mum, 'I opened my bag and found Roxy sleeping in one of my trainers'.

'Oh, no! Are you angry?' asked Chloe.

'No, it was a shock but I picked her up for the first time and do you know what? Now, I think I like rats too!'
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Chloe’s dad had known nothing about Chloe’s new pets until he saw them in her room.
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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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Это задание решали 130 раз. С ним справились 60% пользователей.

3. Задание#T12548

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Facebook Celebrates 5th Birthday.

Facebook, the world’s biggest social networking site, is celebrating its fifth birthday with many guests invited. In a blog post, the site’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, states that Facebook will continue to work as hard as it has in the last five years in order to stay the web’s number one communication site.

The company started in a dorm room in 2004. Today it has 150 million active users, more than the 130 million of rival MySpace. Facebook is different from other social networking sites because you can communicate with people you really know and trust. Before, most people didn’t want to share their real identities online. Facebook has given people a safe and trusted environment for people to interact online. It has changed the way people view the world. A friend from any country is only a few clicks away.

It was back in February 2004 when Zuckerberg started “The Facebook” from a Harvard student’s room. The aim was to help students get in touch with each other over the Internet. Within 24 hours over a thousand students had signed up and soon after that the network spread out to other universities.

By 2005 a research study showed that about 85% of the students in the network had a Facebook account. Another survey showed that Facebook was almost as important as an iPod. At the end of 2005 Facebook came to the U.K. and up to today the site has been translated into 35 languages.

Five years after its start Facebook has escaped the universities and colleges. More than half of its users are not at college anymore and the fastest growing group are the 30 to 40 year olds. Every day 15 million users update their profiles to tell their friends and the world what’s happening to them. They also share photos, upload videos, chat, make friends, join groups and simply have fun.
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If you have a pen pal from far away, you cannot chat with him or her very often.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not stated
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Это задание решали 16 раз. С ним справились 63% пользователей.

4. Задание#T12527

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Water problems

Clean, safe drinking water is scarce. Today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world don't have access to it. Yet, we take it for granted, we waste it, and we even pay too much to drink it from little plastic bottles. Water is the foundation of life. And still today, all around the world, far too many people spend their entire day searching for it.

Simply put, water scarcity is either the lack of enough water (quantity) or lack of access to safe water (quality). It's hard for most of us to imagine that clean, safe water is not something that can be taken for granted. But, in the developing world, finding a reliable source of safe water is often time-consuming and expensive. This is known as economic scarcity. Water can be found... it simply requires more resources to do it.

In places like sub-Saharan Africa, time lost gathering water and suffering from water-borne diseases is limiting people's true potential, especially women and girls’. Every day in rural communities and poor urban centers throughout sub-Saharan Africa, hundreds of millions of people suffer from a lack of possibility to get safe water. Women and girls especially bear the burden of walking miles at a time to gather water from streams and ponds — full of water-borne disease that is making them and their families sick.

In other areas, the lack of water is a more profound problem. There simply isn't enough. That is known as physical scarcity. The problem of water scarcity is a growing one. As more people put ever-increasing demands on limited supplies, the cost and effort to build or even maintain access to water will increase. And water's importance to political and social stability will only grow with the crisis.

To give an example of physical scarcity, one should take a look at the report released by China showing that the country is facing a serious problem with drinking water. According to the study, about 80% of the country's shallow ground water is not clean enough to drink or bathe in. It can only be used for industrial purposes. Dirty drinking water exists especially in the countryside, where the population gets water from shallow wells. This water has become more and more contaminated through farming, factories and household waste.

According to the report large cities are not affected by water pollution because they get their water from underground reservoirs that are often hundreds or thousands of feet deep. In addition, cities operate purification plants that get rid of harmful substances before drinking water gets to the people.

However, the use of shallow underground water in rural areas has grown considerably in the past decade. The report states that nitrates and ammonia are the major pollutants. In some areas, heavy metals were also found in the water.

Authorities found out that while none of the 2000 investigated wells had a Class I water quality, over 70% were classified in the worst two categories, those unfit for drinking.
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Water might become a political issue.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not stated
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Это задание решали 139 раз. С ним справились 76% пользователей.

5. Задание#T12500

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Our journey started in a minibus to Lomonosov underground station. In the open area behind the station we could see about 30 people waiting for a bus to the IKEA shop. This bus is unusual for two reasons — it is free, and it is one of very the few buses in the city that has a timetable.

We got onto the bus and it drove over the bridge across the River Neva and out of the city. One passenger had her dog with her. We saw the big yellow letters IKEA on a blue background from far away, they are on a sign which is higher than the trees. The same design is on the side of the building, a very big blue box with a car park all around it. We got out of the bus and walked along a special route to the entrance with a roof over it. We went into the shop through a big door that had several sections and was turning like a wheel. About ten people can walk inside one section of the wheel. IKEA shops are very popular everywhere in the world, and they are made to serve very large numbers of people.

Most places in Russia have a cloakroom where you can leave your coat. On this day there were too many people, so only children could leave their coats. I had a rucksack and they said that I should leave this in the cloakroom and carry my coat. If you have a child aged 3 to 6 you can leave him or her in a play room…usually for 2 hours or just one hour on busy days. They give parents a piece of paper with the time of collection written on it so that they don’t forget. I don’t know what people with dogs do.

The first place we went was up the stairs to the café. Here everything is self-service. You take a tray and ask people to serve you food, for example traditional Swedish meat-balls. If you want coffee, tea or a fizzy drink you pay for a cup and afterwards you fill it from a machine. While you eat and drink you can study the catalogue. They say that 160 million copies of the catalogue are printed all round the world — where I live, they delivered a copy to each flat. People who want to buy a lot of things can take a big yellow plastic bag to put them in. There are also different sorts of trolley. One has a seat for a small child and a place to hang the big yellow bag.

The area next to the café is for special offers. Then, there are a lot of pictures in frames and mirrors. After that, you come to a place where there are different rooms which you can walk into and sit down in. When you know what you want to buy, you have to look at the code on the price tag. This code tells you the place on the ground floor where you should go to collect the pack with the parts you want inside it. All Ikea furniture is in cardboard boxes and you have to put the parts together when you get home.

One of the main problems of life in Russia is the small amount of living space that people have in their flats. It is very unusual for a family to have a room that nobody sleeps in. So the idea of a “living room” or a “sitting room”, as we call it in English, is a bit different. Most people have a room with a sofa-bed that they open out in the evening to sleep on. I think it’s quite a good idea for Russian flats to have the bed on tall legs with enough space for a sofa under it. You can buy one in IKEA for about £200. On my visit to IKEA I didn’t buy anything because I live in a rented flat with lots of furniture in it. I just like looking.

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Children and adults usually use different cloakrooms at the shop.
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  2. False
  3. Not stated
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Это задание решали 17 раз. С ним справились 71% пользователей.
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