Личный кабинет

Задание 11. ОГЭ-2014 - Задание B5: все задания

1. Задание#T12749

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.
(1) Days passed, and more and more (CHILD) ________ saw the doll’s house. (2) It was all they talked about. (3) "You (SEE) ________ the Burnells' doll's house?"

(4) "Oh, isn't it lovely!"

(5) Even in the lunch hour, they talked about it. (6) The little girls sat under the trees eating (THEY) ________ thick meat (SANDWICH) ________ and big pieces of cake. (7) All the time the Kelveys were sitting as near as they (CAN) ________. (8) They listened too, little Else (HOLD ON) ________ to her sister, as they ate their jam sandwiches out of a newspaper.

(9) At last, everybody (SEE) ________ the dill’s house except the Kelveys. (10) On that day, the little girls (BE) ________ not quite so (INTEREST) ________ in the subject.
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Преобразуйте слова (SEE) в предложении () так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа.
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Это задание решали 70 раз. С ним справились 10% пользователей.

2. Задание#T12732

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.
(1) Hilary was very happy when he was able to move into the house. He felt like a sailor who just (REACH)________ port. (2) He had only about sixpence in his pocket at the time.

(3) One thing was immediately clear: his aunt was seriously ill. (4) She tried not to show it, but she slowly (DIE)________. (5) Hilary had a private talk with her doctor which frightened him greatly. (6) The doctor told him that nothing (CAN)________ cure the old woman. (7) She (MAY)________ live for a little (LONG)________, but the end was certain.

(8) Hilary was very annoyed. (9) Chance had found a home for (HE)________, and was now going to throw him out of it. (10) Once again he (WILL)________ have to live alone in the hard world. (11) There was only one thing that he could do. (12) He chose an evening when his aunt was feeling better than usual. (13) Then, very gently, he asked for (DETAIL)________ of her will.

(14) When she heard the word 'will', his aunt laughed loudly.

(15) "(MAKE)________ I a will?" she said. (16) "Yes, of course. (17) I left all my money to a religious group in China. (18) Or was it in Polynesia? (19) I can't remember. (20) I was very religious when I was a girl."
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Преобразуйте слово (DIE) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание запишите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 151 раз. С ним справились 6% пользователей.

3. Задание#T12614

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.
(1) There were a lot of people in Hamelin. (2) They loved (THEY)________ town but there was one problem. (3) There were (HUNDRED)________ of rats! (4) They had enormous (TOOTH)________ and very long tails. (5) The rats in Hamelin were (BIG)________ than anywhere. (6) The people were afraid of them. (7) The rats ate everything they saw. (8) Soon all the milk (DRINK)________ and all the food (EAT)________. (9) The people went to the Mayor. (10) "We're hungry," they shouted. (11) "The rats (EAT)________ all our food". (12) The Mayor and his men (THINK)________ hard. (13) This kind of this (NEVER HAPPEN)________ in Hamelin before and they did not have any ideas.
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Преобразуйте слово (HUNDRED) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание запишите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 8 раз. С ним справились 88% пользователей.
0 баллов сегодня
дней без пропуска
