Личный кабинет

Задание 24. ОГЭ-2014 - Задание B18: все задания

1. Задание#T12762

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст.
(1) Mr Beam was fifty. (2) As he washed, he examined his face in the mirror.

(3) "I'm older," he thought. (4) "But what do I care? (5) I don't care, even if Maria does. (6) And she's getting old, too!"

(7) He finished dressing and hurried downstairs. (8) He thought (ANXIETY) ________ that he was probably late for breakfast. (9) (IMMEDIATE) ________ after breakfast he had to open his shop, and that always kept him busy until ten o’clock at night.

(10) Sometimes, during the day, Maria came into the shop and explained the mistakes that he was making. (11) She did this even when there were customers there.

(12) He found a little (HAPPY) ________ every morning when he opened the newspaper. (13) While he was reading it, he could escape from his dull house and his (HOPE) ________ life. (14) For a short time he could forget.

(15) On this particular morning, good news came to Mr. Beam in his own home. (16) It came in a long envelope from a (LAW) ________.

(17) "Let me see!" said his wife. (18) "Give the letter to me!"

(19) "Go on!" he said. (20) "Push your nose into it!"

(21) "Oh!" She cried. (22) "The money has already made you (PLEASURE) ________."
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Преобразуйте слово (PLEASURE) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 64 раза. С ним справились 19% пользователей.

2. Задание#T12627

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст.
(1) The Pied Piper went up and up towards the mountain. (2) The boys and girls (LAUGHTER)________, danced and sang as they ran after him. (3) The sound of music made them feel very (HAPPINESS)________. (4) At the top of the mountain there was a (HUGENESS)________ rock with a big door in the centre. (5) The door opened and a (GOLD)________ light came out. (6) Through the door, on the other side of the mountain, the (CHILD)________ caught sight of a magic country. (7) They went through the door and disappeared for ever. (8) The story may reflect a (HISTORY)________ event.
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Преобразуйте слово (HISTORY) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание запишите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 50 раз. С ним справились 28% пользователей.

3. Задание#T12604

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст.
(1) After a few months had passed, Hilary's (FINANCE) ________ problems became serious. (2) The change in his aunt's condition showed that the doctor had been right. (3) She went to bed and stayed there. (4) It seemed certain that she would never get up again. (5) At the same time Hilary (BAD) ________ needed money. (6) He had expensive tastes, and a lot of (PAY) ______ bills. (7) People were prepared to wait because his aunt was rich but their bills were high.

(8) (FORTUNE) ________ his aunt was now so ill that he could not easily talk to her. (9) She did not want to discuss money matters at all. (10) She was in great pain and found it difficult to sleep, so she became (ANGER) ________ when anybody spoke about money. (11) In the end they had an (ARGUE) ________ about the small amount of ten pounds. (12) She believed that he was trying to get her money, and she said so.
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Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слово (ARGUE) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание запишите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 133 раза. С ним справились 38% пользователей.
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