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Тренировочный вариант Яндекс.ЕГЭ по английскому языку № 14 за 2016 год

Тренировочный вариант состоит из 29 заданий. Ответом может быть целое число, десятичная дробь (записывайте её через запятую, вот так: 2,5) или последовательность цифр (пишите без пробелов: 97531). Закончив работу, нажмите «Завершить тест». Яндекс.Репетитор подсчитает ваш результат и покажет верные ответы.

1. Задание#T21412

Choose from headings (1–8) the one which best fits each text (A–G). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. Global Language
  2. How It All Began
  3. Great Borrower
  4. The Language of Computers
  5. English in Other Languages
  6. French Influence
  7. Crazy English
  8. Do You Speak Cockney?

A. It’s strange that the differences in Britain itself are greater than those between Britain and other English-speaking countries. For a Londoner, it’s easier to understand an American than a Cockney. Cockney has a pronunciation, accent and vocabulary unlike any other dialect. Cockney speech is famous for its rhyming slang. A word is replaced by a phrase or a person’s name which rhymes with it.

B. Other languages absorb English words too, often giving them new forms and meanings. So many Japanese, French, Spanish and Germans mix English words with their mother tongues that the resulting hybrids are called Japlish, Franglais, Spanglish and Denglish, In Japanese, for example, there is a verb Makudonaru, to eat at McDonald’s.

C. Have you ever wondered why the English language has different words for animals and meat? When William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066, French became the official language of the court. The English would look after the animals and cook the meat, still calling the animals pig, sheep and cow. The Normans, when they saw the cooked meat arrive at their table, would use French words — pork, mutton and beef.

D. English is mixing with other languages around the world. It’s probably the biggest borrower. Words newly coined or in vogue in one language are very often added to English as well. There are words from 120 languages in its vocabulary, including Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. 70 per cent of the English vocabulary are loan words and only 30 per cent of the words are native.

E. Have you ever wondered how many people speak English? It’s around 400 million people. Geographically, English is the most wide-spread language on earth, and it’s second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it. It’s spoken in the British Isles, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and much of Canada and South Africa. English is also a second language of another 300 million people living in more than 60 countries.

F. In Shakespeare’s time only a few million people spoke English. All of them lived in what is now Great Britain. Through the centuries, as a result of various historical events, English spread throughout the world. There were only 30,000 words in Old English. Modern English has the largest vocabulary in the world — more than 600,000 words.

G. In the English language blackboards can be green or white, and blackberries are green and then red before they are ripe. There is no egg in eggplant, neither mush nor room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple, no ham in hamburger. Why is it that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn’t rule a queendom? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn’t the plural of booth be beeth? And in what other language can your nose run?

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Запишите в поле ответа цифры соответствующие буквам ABCDEFG, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

2. Задание#T21413

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).
There is one choice you do not need to use.


Coca-Cola (often abbreviated to "Coke") is a cola drink and is the world's most popular carbonated soft drink. The Coca-Cola Company's headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, (A)________ around 1884. Coke's inventor, John Pemberton, was not a quickwitted marketer of his drink, and the ownership of Coke eventually passed to Asa Candler, (B)________. Candler's successful marketing, continued by his successors such as Robert Woodruff, established Coke as a major soft drink first in the United States and later around the world.

Originally designed to be sold at soda fountains, (C)________, whose distinctive shape has become a part of the drink's branding. Major advertising campaigns have established Coca-Cola slogans such as "The pause that refreshes" as part of popular culture. Nevertheless, Coca-Cola has been criticised for its possible negative health effects, with many urban myths surrounding it. In addition, (D)________ has been periodically challenged, in particular by its main rival Pepsi-Cola. This tension reached its peak during the 1980s, at the height of the Cola Wars, which eventually resulted in the heavily-publicised introduction of "New Coke", (E)________. The widely unpopular decision was eventually voided in the face of public opposition.

Since then, the Coca-Cola Company has on occasion introduced soft drinks under the Coca-Cola brand name. The most famous of these is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola, but others exist, such as Cherry Coke. There are also (F)________ but which remain unaffiliated with Coca-Cola the drink, such as Sprite.

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Укажите в поле для ответа последовательность цифр, соответствующих буквам ABCDEF.

3. Задание#T14134

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Which of the following is stated in the text about Enric Bernat?
  1. He inherited the family business.
  2. He borrowed money from a bank.
  3. He devoted his life to jam production.
  4. He made the factory equipment himself.
Запишите номер правильного варианта ответа.

4. Задание#T21414

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
What did Enric Bernat believe in?
  1. An apple jam factory could be a successful business.
  2. Candies had to be kept away from children.
  3. The candies had to be called GOL.
  4. The candies would gain a quick popularity.

5. Задание#T21415

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
What is TRUE about the Chupa Chups logo?
  1. It was designed by a great artist.
  2. It made the lollipop more popular.
  3. It has changed three times by now.
  4. It varies from country to country.

6. Задание#T21416

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Where was the Chupa Chups business originally concentrated?
  1. In Asia
  2. In Europe
  3. In Australia
  4. In America

7. Задание#T21417

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Why was the wooden stick replaced with a plastic one?
  1. Because a plastic stick was associated with Chupa Chups.
  2. Because a wooden stick was less convenient.
  3. Because there was a shortage of timber in Spain.
  4. Because there was a lack of wooden sticks in Spain.

8. Задание#T21418

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
According to the text, what helped the company to become a big success?
  1. The product’s unusual name
  2. The variety of lollipop tastes
  3. The candy’s attractive wrapping
  4. The sales staff’s enthusiasm

9. Задание#T21419

Read the text below.

The History of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The Chupa Chups company started as an idea of a Spanish citizen named Enric Bernat in 1958. Mr. Bernat started his career at an apple jam factory. He approached investors about a lollipop business but he failed to get support. He took over the company himself and built the first production machines with his own hands. He also decided that the new creation would be called Chupa Chups, after the Spanish verb chupar, which translates into to suck.

Enric Bernat knew that the bon-bons on a wooden stick would be an instant hit. Previously candy had been marketed as a luxury and kept away from children. However, he knew that if he could get the candy into the view of children he would sell many more lollipops. Five years after he first introduced the idea, Chupa Chups were being sold at over 300,000 stores across Europe.

The original Chupa Chups sales force was over 600 sales agents for 300,000 locations.

This amazing sales force sped across Europe to bring the good news and delicious taste of the Chupa Chups lollipops to the masses. Without their dedication and excitement, there would be no way the company could have grown to the massive size that it is today.

Sadly, the traditional wooden stick that was associated with Chupa Chups had to be discontinued and replaced with a plastic one due to the lack of wood available in Spain. The stick has remained plastic ever since. Chupa Chups were originally going to be called GOL but the name did not stick.

An advertising firm came up with the idea to name them Chupa and the delightful lollipops were born. Salvador Dali, the famous painter, created the new Chupa Chups logo, which remains on the wrapper on all of the lollipops to this day.

The Chupa Chups business went international beginning with Asia and Australia in the 1970’s. It soon followed to North America and the rest of Europe. The amazing results led to a high point for the company, with the production of over 4 billion Chupa Chups lollipops during the 2003 calendar year.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?
  1. Candies used to be an expensive treat.
  2. The name Chupa Chups means bon-bons.
  3. Chupa Chups originally had wooden sticks.
  4. Bernat’s product was meant mainly for children.

10. Задание#T21420

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (BE) в предложении (3) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

11. Задание#T21421

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD ) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

12. Задание#T21422

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD ) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

13. Задание#T21423

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD ) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (ONE) в предложении (10) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

14. Задание#T21424

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (COOK) в предложении (11) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Запишите получившееся слово в ответ.

15. Задание#T21425

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD ) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (LIVE) в предложении (12) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

16. Задание#T21426

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD) ________ public holidays of the year.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (GOOD) в предложении (13) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

17. Задание#T21427

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia... (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (MARVEL) в предложении (3) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

18. Задание#T21428

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia… (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (PREPARE) в предложении (4) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

19. Задание#T21429

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia... (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (PERFORM) в предложении (5) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

20. Задание#T21430

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia... (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (FRIGHT) в предложении (6) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

21. Задание#T21431

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia... (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (PHOTOGRAPH) в предложении (8) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.

22. Задание#T21432

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

The Opening Night

(1) The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia... (2) They are all stage musicals. (3) The opening night of a new musical is always a (MARVEL)________ event.

(4) After years of (PREPARE)________ and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.

(5) First nights usually start earlier than the regular (PERFORM)________ so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.

(6) The critics are the most (FRIGHT)________ people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.

(7) The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. (8) The celebrities attract newspaper (PHOTOGRAPH)________ and help give the musical maximum publicity.

(9) There will also be some angels there who will (PROBABLE)________ be more nervous than the performers. (10) And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (PROBABLE) в предложении (9) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

23. Задание#T21433

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems primitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой A.
  1. conflicting
  2. discussing
  3. arguing
  4. speaking

24. Задание#T21434

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systemsprimitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой B.
  1. such
  2. as
  3. same
  4. like
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного варианта ответа.

25. Задание#T21435

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems primitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, пропущенное в тексте рядом с буквой C.
  1. taking
  2. receiving
  3. giving
  4. capturing
В ответе укажите номер выбранного варианта.

26. Задание#T21436

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems primitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой D.
  1. applied
  2. travelled
  3. ran
  4. extended

27. Задание#T21437

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems primitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой E.
  1. play
  2. show
  3. plan
  4. project

28. Задание#T21438

Read the text below.

From the History of Moving Pictures

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systemsprimitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой F.
  1. of
  2. with
  3. by
  4. on

29. Задание#T21439

Read the text below.

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were (A)________ over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. To settle the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos. What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown in quick succession the horse looked (B)________ it was running — in other words ‘moving pictures’. The person who became interested in (C)________ the moving pictures to its next step was the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. Actually, he didn’t do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems primitive as they were — of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system. He designed a camera, a projection device and the film. The system was first shown in New York in 1894 and was really very popular. Apparently people lined up around the block to see the wonderful new invention. There were, however, a couple of problems with the system. The camera weighed over 200 kilograms and only one person at a time could see the film. Well now, news of the new system in America (D)________ fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. The single problem with all the systems was that they couldn’t really (E)________ the film onto a screen — you know, so more than one person could see it. Then in 1895, three systems were developed, more or less at the same time and independently of each other. I guess the most famous of these was (F)________ the Lumiere Brothers from France, and they called their system the cinematograph which of course is where the word cinema comes from. Well now, once the problem of projection had been solved, the next (G)________ for the inventors was to make the films longer and more interesting. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or ‘reels’ as they are called, which hold the film.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, пропущенное в тексте рядом с буквой G.
  1. challenge
  2. opportunity
  3. rivalry
  4. fight
В ответе укажите номер выбранного варианта.
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