Yandex.XML Service License

This document is a translation of Yandex.XML Service License in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of Yandex.XML Service License and this translation - only the Russian version of Yandex.XML Service License is legally binding. The Russian version of Yandex.XML Service License can be found here:

This document, titled “Yandex.XML Service License” (hereinafter referred to as the License), describes the terms of use established by Limited Liability Company YANDEX (hereinafter – Yandex) for the Yandex.XML Free Service which enables XML automated requests (hereinafter — the XML Requests) to the Yandex search engine (hereinafter — the Service). The use of the Service in violation of this License shall not be allowed, the use on other terms shall be possible only under a separate agreement (contract) entered into with Yandex.

All matters not regulated in this License shall be subject to the provisions of:

binding while using the Service.

The relationship between Yandex and the Service User shall be governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To send XML requests and gain access to search results on such XML requests at the following conditions shall be complied with:

1. Limitation on the number of requests. Users who have verified their telephone number ( are allowed to send a maximum of 1,000 XML requests per day. Users who have not verified their telephone number are allowed to send a maximum of ten XML requests per day. The limitation on the number of requests shall not be applied to websites connected to the Yandex Advertising Network ( under a contract with Yandex, making provisions for the use of the Service.

2. IP address registration. XML requests shall be sent from (a) registered IP address(-es) only. IP address registration shall be carried out by the User at its option, upon its authorization at the Yandex website under its username and password IP address registration may be canceled without notice to the User, if the latter does not send at least one request from its IP address within 90 days.

3. Using XML search. Sending XML requests and using XML search results is allowed only for the purpose of their use at the User’s website, in particular for search service establishing. XML search results may be displayed in any design. It is prohibited to re-order the search results.

4. Link to Yandex. When using XML search at the User’s website(s) by displaying (posting) the results, the Yandex technology shall be referred to by posting of the Yandex graphic logo, being a link to and the text “NNN pages found”, indicating the number of web pages found, at the top of the page presenting the search results (just above the search result box). Samples of logos allowed for use and the rules for making up the above text are specified at “Presentation of Results” page (


  • for white background

  • for black background

  • for red background

5. Search results. Yandex cannot guarantee the exact match of search results obtained by using the Yandex XML Service to those obtained by using the Yandex Search Engine (

6. Search advertising. When using the Yandex XML Service, no webpage with the search results obtained through the Yandex XML Service shall contain any advertisements placed by the User / third parties by using contextual advertising systems owned by third parties as well as advertising of the above systems or links to their websites. The exception is made for advertisements placed by the User / third party in the Yandex Advertising Network.

7. Displays and clicks. When using the Yandex XML Service at the User’s website(s) connected to the Yandex Advertising Network, the User shall post the code (, provided by Yandex, recording the number of result displays and user clicks on them, on the page displaying the search results obtained by using the Yandex XML Service.

8. Amendments to the License. This License may be amended by Yandex unilaterally. Notice to users on amendments made to the present License shall be posted at: The above amendments to the license agreement shall be effective upon their posting, unless otherwise stipulated by a correspondent publication.

Automated requests to the Yandex Search Engine made by any other means shall be prohibited, unless pre-approved by Yandex.

Specifications and recommendations on the use of the Service (

All programs (scripts) listed herein in their source codes (, shall be distributed free of charge with no restrictions, provided they contain links to Yandex and the Yandex XML Project. You may copy, modify or supplement a program source code or an XSL-code, if the links to Yandex and Yandex XML remain unchanged.

The Service is provided by Yandex “as is”. Yandex cannot guarantee that the Service corresponds with the goals and expectations of users, as well as its uninterrupted and error-free operation. Yandex shall not be deemed liable for or cover any damage, either direct or indirect, incurred by the Service User or third parties in the course of using of or due to the inability to use the Service.