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Что будет, если прийти на МРТ мозга с 1 см металлическим имплантом в ноге?

Shri White
  · 1,0 K
механик  · 28 авг 2018

Q: I have metal in my body from prior surgery. Can I have an MRI?
A: Most people who have metal in their body after surgery can have an MRI. For example, patients with hip or knee replacements can have an MRI six weeks after surgery. Other implanted devices require less time after surgery. Certain devices can never go into the MRI machine and these include heart pacemakers, and some implanted pumps and nerve stimulators. Some brain aneurysm clips (particularly older ones) cannot go into the scanner. If you have had any prior surgery, you must let the technologist know prior to the scan. Also, if there is any chance there may be metal in any part of your body from a prior injury or from grinding metal, please inform the technologist prior to the scan.