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What is Pussy Riot today?

Pussy riotProtest+2
Olga Zeveleva
  · 641
Political activist and member of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot. Spent two years in...  · 10 мая 2017

The Punk Prayer, which Pussy Riot performed in in February 2012 in Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, happened five years ago. That was what we were eventually jailed for. Back then, in 2012, Pussy Riot was a Moscow-based group comprised of anonymous members. Anyone could join. Our token sign was the balaclava, which hid our faces. But a lot has changed since. The balaclavas were stripped off three of us during the trial and prison period, so we had to forget about anonymity – our identities were revealed.

If I had to define Pussy Riot today, I think I would say it’s a punk team. Anyone can still become a Pussy Riot member, that part hasn't changed. The number of people who are part of it has definitely changed a lot, because since our balaclavas were stripped from us, thousands of new people ended up putting them on. At first people worldwide started doing this to support us through the trial and prison process, and then people began doing it as a sign that they agree with the ideas we stand for.

So Pussy Riot exists all over the world today, but it’s hard to say exactly what Pussy Riot is. It could mean one thing for me, but it might mean something entirely different for somebody else.