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Why do people feel embarrassed the morning after drinking?

Food & drinkAlcoholHealth news
Jim Butler
  · 736
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12  · 3 янв 2017

There are dangers associated with alcohol. There are physical dangers and psychological dangers. However, I actually think the real danger with alcohol is it impairs your judgement. It clearly does this. It also impairs your performance – two reasons why you shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car after drinking. 

"So you can do things – and say things, possibly – that when you weren’t drunk you’d probably think twice about and would not do if sober."

So you can do things – and say things, possibly – that when you weren’t drunk you’d probably think twice about and would not do if sober. I think the main thing alcohol is doing is acting on the part of the brain that controls judgement, the risk bit. So, yes, it might stop you from caring; it might encourage you to behave badly, but what I think is really key here is what your personality is when you’re sober – are you normally risk averse or do you like taking risks? 


The other thing to consider is that generally most people if they’ve done something that has caused acute embarrassment because they’ve been drinking, they’ll learn from that. 'Ah, I did that, and I won’t do that again', But there are other people who will think 'I really enjoyed that'. So it’s to do with what each person’s motivation is. What they want from alcohol and that is going to be different for everybody.