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Associate Professor of modern European and German history at Georgia State University and the author of Christmas in Germany: A Cultural History (2010). @GeorgiaStateU

Как отмечали Рождество в нацистской Германии?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
In 1921, in a Munich beer hall, newly appointed Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler gave a Christmas speech to an excited crowd. According to undercover police observers, 4,000 supporters... Читать далее
Free range turkey farmer, Phoenix Free Range

Why don’t we eat turkey eggs?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
It all really comes down to what is commercially viable. If you have a turkey and that turkey lays eggs, you’re going to get much more money by hatching those eggs and rearing the young... Читать далее
Dr. Mark Hocknull, Canon Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral and Visiting Senior Fellow at the University of Lincoln @LCChancellor

Is the Nativity really just a fairy story?

спрашиваетIan Gittins  · 1 ответ
Only two Gospels actually have the Nativity story: Matthew and Luke. John starts right at the beginning of time – "In the beginning was the Word" – and in Mark, Jesus first appears as an... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Aside from mistletoe and Christmas trees, which other pagan traditions do we still observe over Christmas?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Christmas itself is a pagan tradition, which has been given a Christian makeover. For thousand of years we’ve celebrated the Winter Solstice, which occurs on or around 21 December. It’s... Читать далее
Head of Distribution, PPL@PPLUK

How much money do musicians and songwriters make over Christmas?

спрашиваетEamonn Forde  · 1 ответ
Overall, the records that get the most airplay in the year and, therefore, the most revenue from PPL year in and year out are the current hits. They have 12 months of airplay and are on... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Does the modern depiction of Santa really come from a Coca-Cola advert?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
No. This is an urban myth. What is true is that Santa Claus, to give him his American name, was depicted in Coca-Cola adverts in the 1930s wearing his regulation red and white outfit... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Which old British Christmas traditions have we lost?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Quite a few Christmas traditions from medieval times have been lost – some of them probably better forgotten.  No one misses the tradition of Hunting the Wren, which involved men and boys... Читать далее
Author of 'Dickens and Popular Entertainment' and the recent ‘Simply Dickens’, General Editor of ‘The Oxford Companion to Dickens’ and editor of the forthcoming Clarendon Edition of ‘Sketches of Boz’. Past President of the Dickens Fellowship.

Did Charles Dickens really "invent" Christmas?

спрашиваетAndrew Emery  · 1 ответ
The quick answer is 'no'. Christmas obviously goes back centuries and what had happened was that during the Puritan revolution in the seventeenth century, the movement went away from... Читать далее
Reader in Advertising and Digital Media and Director of the Media and Persuasive Communication Network, Bangor University. @digi_ad

Do Christmas advertising campaigns start too early in the year?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
For me, as a general consumer, the answer is yes, most certainly so! But from the point of view of marketers and advertisers, I think you’ve got to assume that it works. They don’t start... Читать далее
Music Reporting Data Analyst, PPL @PPLUK

Which are the most successful Christmas records of all time and why?

спрашиваетEamonn Forde  · 1 ответ
At PPL we collate the top 20 most-played songs of the year. What we found is if you look at sales, the Official Chart and the Top 20 at Christmas doesn’t really reflect airplay or... Читать далее